After a short try of my father (and myself) to give me classic guitar lessons when I was 7 or 8 years old, I was 12 when I became a real big music freak and sucessfully nerved my parents to buy me a keyboard and 15 when I wrote my first songs - in a synth-pop-/electronic-body-music-band that I did with two schoolmates, and since the age of 18 I've done singing and playing keys in several alternative-rock bands (at least until summer 2006 at 'Awesome').
Anyway, around 2001 I started playing guitar and writing songs for my own, and after the break-up of my last band and after having lost the motivation of finding suitable persons in Dresden to play with and forming a new band again, it was 2006 when a friend encouraged me to start recording songs and do my own thing, and helped me doing it.
The first result was "Dodgy" and I hope to record more of my songs in the future and get nice people to do some remixes.
Due lack of own equipment and music software skills, it's hard recording more and faster, but I will work on it and plan to buy me own equipment as soon as there's the monetary opportunity for it.
Daniel Kasten - Dodgy (Video-Clip)
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