Welcome to Candi Shop Castings!
Thank you for your interest. Candi Shop is a full service casting department under the umbrella of Kali-Marie Management Agency, whose books cater for all types of quality toddlers from the age of 5, teenagers, men and women including:-MODELSHigh Fashion Catwalk Commercial Classic Hands & FeetCharacters Fitness 12+ sizes Petite Look-A-Likes
Part Models Photographic ModelsTALENTActors Dancers Presenters Choreographers
Voice Overs Special Talents & Much More
Candi Shop, provides test shoots for aspiring models (the initial stage), specializing in male and female glamour assignments and music video assignments especially for those that have a certain look commercially applicable for these fields. Models aged between 18 and 25 are sought after by their scouts’ team. Please send pictures and statistics to
[email protected] if you are serious and meet the criteria to possibly be a Supermodel then please see myspace.com/kalimarie_management for more information.