its 2008 and u lames still on 07 shyt profile picture

its 2008 and u lames still on 07 shyt


About Me

The Best Myspace Survey
* . . About You . . *
Eye Color:: whatever u want them to be
Hair Color:: reddish brown at the moment
Height:: 5*7
Favorite Color:: red
Screen Name:: lindayshea
Favorite Band:: omarion
Favorite Movie:: too many to name
Favorite Show:: girlfriends
Your Car:: red mustang
Your Hometown:: p town
Your Present Town:: p town
Your Crushes First Name:: i cant tell but naw his name is reginald
Your Grade:: a+
Your Style:: me
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop?: yep
Kissed someone in the rain?: yep
Danced in a public place?: yep
Smiled for no reason?: yep
Laughed so hard you cried?: yep
Peed your pants after age 8?: fuck naw and if i did i wouldnt tell
Written a song?: yep
Sang to someone for no reason?: yep
Performed on a stage?: yep
Talked to someone you don't know?: yea all the time
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: yep
Made out in a theatre?: thats a good idea
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: yep
Been in love?: i am now
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you?: these questions not fair because regianld keep answering to them
Tell you, I love you?: reginald
Kiss you?: reginald
Hug you?: christopher
Tell you BYE?: the police man
Write you a note?: patranece
Take your photo?: reg
Call your cell phone?: i have no minutes on the mug
Buy you something?: reg
Go with you to the movies?: reg
Sing to you?: my momma
Write a poem about you?: reg
Text message you?: dexter
Touch you?: reg
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?: about a minute ago, but i laugh all the time
Time you cried?: about a few days ago
Movie you watched?: national treasure with brandon and reg
Joke you told?: some christmas joke
Song you've sang?: silent night
Time you've looked at the clock?: just now
Drink you've had?: fanta strawberry
Number you've dialed?: reginald number
Book you've read?: one day i saw myself a black king.. and the million dollar divorce
Food you've eaten?: burrito
Flavor of gum chewed?: green apple
Shoes you've worn?: my reeboks
Store you've been in?: wal mart
Thing you've said?: wal mart
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands?: yea
Whistle?: yea
Blow a bubble?: yep
Roll your tounge in a circle?: ?
Cross your eyes?: yea
Touch your tounge to your nose?: ugh hell naw
Dance?: shyt yea
Gleek?: whats that oh yea
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: shyt no
Speak a different language?: qui
Impersonate someone?: yea
Prank call people?: shyt yea
Make a card pyramid?: fuck no
Cook anything?: shyt yea ask reggie and my mommy and my brothers
* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were a ...: stalker i'll stalk reg ass all day
I wish ...: that i could have all my wishes come true
So many people don't know that ...: i am very sensitive and all i want is a friend that will be there for me
I am ...: fuckin gorgeous
My heart is ...: on lock and reg is the only one with the key
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Bzoink - The Original Survey Site..look at your girl on that play boy magazinei love my baby yep yep i love my boy.. i love you ride or die niggas and bitches...whether we are beefing or not.. these ar ethe folks that held it down for me... valarie,kayla,ashley,reese,ayla,samson,josue,reginald,simone ,and tiffany.. i love you guys..hey what it do. well this is that girl lindayshea better known as daysha.well a lil about me.. i can be a sweetheart when we first meet or i can be a real BITCH!!! It depends on how you come to me,,you come correct and we have no problems,, u come disrespectful then we have problems..I am living in texas right now, and i am kind of in a long distance relationship with reg..i get confused on alot of things sometimes.. i am always gettin confused on love.i regret alot of things and i regret ever breaking up with my baby... i was born and raised in louisiana for like 15 years.. i have a lot of friends and i have a few close friends.. their names are reginald,ayla,valarie,ashley,tiffany, and etc i love my friends alot and i would do anything for them all they have to do is ask...and if u dont want no problems then dont mess with any of them and i'm serious about that.. i dont love many people and the ones i do love i watch over them like a hawk you think i'm kidding ask valarie who is number one on my top 24 noone messed with her and if they do they got some problems.. off top.. now dont think that i am a mean person, i am soooo nice.. not even kiddin..i love to laugh and make people laugh.. i love being someone's role model, i love it even more being someone's best friend.. if u call me or text me i'll love you i currently have a job at valleyfair, i start may 15th.. whoop whoop.. i hate school sometimes and then sometimes i dont.. i love food. i love cold stone ice cream.. i love red and i love caramel.. i love alot of things hell i might even love you.. but u have to be trustworthy.. u break your trust with me then i'll break your j/k.. but i love to fight but i am not a messy person.. i do have the tendency of being loud, but hey thats just do have anger problems and i do get mad fast. but man i hate stupid people.. damn they bug me.. i am addicted to the internet.. i dont know if thats a good thing or a bad thing.. i love to sing. i didnt say that i could sing but i love to sing.. i love to write poetry.. i am good at it... i love dancing and i could dance.. are u still reading this. what an ass just kidding.. but i am i love my NINTENDO 64..LOL.. I PLAY IT ALL THE TIME.. ASK ALL MY FRIENDS.. i can cook. i love to cook.. i love to buy my friends things..I LOVE IT..i am not a selfish person. um what else.. i am smart.. and i am capable of doing anything but i usually dont put my mind to it..i was supposed to be a senior, but i had to repeat 7th grade twice for gettin in to many fights, and i regret that too..okay i'll add some later.. i'm hungry.. oh did i tell you that i love to eat.. FOOD.. THAT hate being back-stabbed and talked about, i hate when people act hard in front of their friends.. i hate when people actually think that they can beat me cause they can act hard over the phone..i hate people that call you just to talk mess.. i dont know i am gettin piseed by writing this..i regret ever leaving texas.. that was the worst thing i ever did.. i had a boyfriend that loved me. i had friends that was always there for me, and i had family, that always made me feel like i was somebody and i can do anything that i wanna do but i am goin back up there in july.. yah!!! are u excited you better be.. oh my favorite word is yea i know.. thats real interesting.. i can type with out hate being bored.. i love arguing with people and i love being right..oh pictures did i mention i love takin pictures.. i really do..okay then well i am about to go i will talk to you later..but before i go,, if u read all this u better message me.. or comment me.. oh and i love being called beautiful..i know how to do my own hair..i love to braid.. sometimes.. omarion is the hottest guy ever..he makes me say damn i wanna (TOUCH) HIM..LOL.. HE CAN MAKE ME SAY (OOOOOOOOO).. I love them to then ladies and gentlemen.. adios.. Lindayshea aka dayshamy life isnt that complicated so if you want to know something then ask me okay..

My Interests

Get your own countdown at BlingyBlob.comLINDAYSHEA LINDAYSHEA LINDAYSHEA LINDAYSHEA LINDAYSHEA LINDAYSHEA LINDAYSHEA LINDAYSHEA LINDAYSHEA LINDAYSHEA LINDAYSHEA LINDAYSHEA LINDAYSHEA LINDAYSHEA LINDAYSHEA LINDAYSHEA LINDAYSHEA LINDAYSHEA LINDAYSHEAi am a very forgiving person, to me it is kind of a shame you know, cause many people take advantage of that.i'm not messy so if we dont like each other nine times out of ten its your fault...i smile alot, and hey i have a dimple...i hang out with reg 24/7 when he's not at work...i dont know i'll add some later..

I'd like to meet:

i already met him, and i am so happy that i did.. cause i'm so in love and its a good thing, but on friends note i will like to meet some people that loves to talk on the phone. respect me and i respect them,there for them when i need them..You but i am willing to meet anyone, that basically wants to meet me, ,


i love all these people alot?!?!?1HIP HOP TO THE FULLEST AND GOSPEL.. i love paul wall omarion and r.kelly. and mike jones who mike jones bitch






whats books.. is that a kind of t.v show or naw i do love to read..


MY MOTHER MY BROTHER valarie,ayla and reginald, SEPTEMBER AND SHAY, because without n e of these people i dont know what i would do, because they keep me strong, i love yall...

My Blog

girl's first time

Assume you are a girl if you are a boy)It's your first time. As you lie back yourmuscles tighten. You put himoff for a while searching for an excuse, but herefuses to be swayed as heapproaches you. He...
Posted by its a whole new year, a whole new me..... on Wed, 28 Dec 2005 05:05:00 PST


49 ...
Posted by its a whole new year, a whole new me..... on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

This is some crazy shyt that happened to me at the mall

me my step mom and my lil sisters went to the mall today.. they had this dude staring at me when we drove around the car to park it, then he like followed us in the mall,,,me and my mom starrted walki...
Posted by its a whole new year, a whole new me..... on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

hey babes

hey whats up this is me ,,, omg i have a blog thingy now,, way cool dude
Posted by its a whole new year, a whole new me..... on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST