So, if you want to know anything else about me, ask me or someone in my top 8. My AIM is Nathalie3311 and my Yahoo ID is nathalie_113.
Oh, and one more thing. Now this is very important, so read carefully…Keep my name OUT of your mouth!! I can’t stand that shit. I try to be a discreat person and I like to surround myself with other discreat people. A circle of friends talking is one thing, but walking into a party and introducing yourself and having random people say “Oh, so you’re van girl†is not my cup of tea. If you can’t talk to me or hang out with me without going off and telling everyone else and their fucking mom what is going on, don’t bother talking to me, because if I find out you’re doing it…You’re CUTE without the E.
Thank you and good day to you!
Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death!! Lets just say, I don't feel like one of those poor suckers!.
The New Love of My Life
My Kitty'll Bite Your Ass Too!!
How to make a Nathalie
3 parts anger
5 parts brilliance
3 parts instinct
Layer ingredientes in a shot glass. Add emotion to taste! Do not overindulge!
Personality cocktail
Did you see that?!?!?! I'm BRILLIANT!!! haha :)
You Are Fun Sexy
You're funny, quirky, cute, and sassy. Guys always have a great time with you, and that alone is sexy. You've got an upbeat, optimistic spirit that totally shines through. Any guy would be crazy to turn you down! What Kind of Sexy Are You? Take This Quiz :-)This is totally something that would happen to me during one of my "blonde" moments, and that is exactly how Kristen would react...lmfao I love Garfield
TEN Random Things About me:
10. I have a kitty named Spike and he’s the cutest thing EVER!!!
9. I have stolen a cow
8. I am a ketchup/BBQ sauce whore
7. I like angels
6. My couches are red
5. Shut the fuck up!!!!
4. I’m a klutz
3. I like to drive really fast!!!
2. I always remember everything when I’m trashed
1. I play Texas Hold'em or Ms. PacMan on my cell phone while I smoke
NINE ways to win my heart:
9. Cuddle with me
8. Call me just to say hi even though I know you are really busy
7. When I’m yelling at you…make me laugh, kiss me or compliment me
6. Tell me I’m beautiful
5. Kiss me like you mean it
4. Make me feel wanted and needed
3. Listen to me…
2. Trust me and don’t give me any reason not to trust you
1. Give me that look…you know what I mean
EIGHT things I want to do before I die: 8. See the Aurora Borealis 7. Go shark diving 6. Learn how to speak Portugese 5. Sail down the Amazon 4. Climb to the top of Machu Pichu 3. Bungee jump 2. Be a mom 1. Win the lottery!!!!
SEVEN ways to annoy me: 7.5 When guys pee on the toilet seat/rim and don’t clean it 7. When people don’t flush the toilet 6. Chew with your mouth open 5. Wet sloppy kisses 4. Leave the sponge in the sink 3. Drinking wine out of cups instead of glasses 2. Alarm clocks!!!!!!! 1. When you lay down to go to sleep and you get all comfortable…and then you have to pee
SIX things I believe in: 6. Myself 5. Free will 4. Destiny 3. Karma 2. Love 1. God
FIVE things I'm afriaid of: 5. Spiders 4. My mommy dying 3. Being alone for the rest of my life 2. The dark 1. Having my heart broken again
FOUR favorite items in my room: 4. My clothes 3. My angel figurine 2. My television 1. My bed
THREE things I do everyday: 3. Brush my hair 2. Brush my teeth 1. Wash my face
TWO things I want to do right now: 2. Get a massage 1. Fly somewhere far far away and not come back for about a year
ONE person I want to see right now: 1. Someone…(you don’t need to know)
N is for Naughty
A is for Amazing
T is for Twisted
H is for Honest
A is for Amorous
L is for Lovable
I is for Irresistible
E is for Explosive What Does Your Name Mean?