I love trivia in all its forms. I have been fan since young age. My head is full of useless information that is coming in handy now that I am a daddy.
Mark Twain, could be somehow he has been reborn today? The world has not seen someone with his keen eye for americana.
I am all over the map musicaly. I do find something interesting in Irish Folksy type of music. I am a big fan of Simon and Garfunkal. I like to hear the music I like guitar stuff, electric or agustic. Listen to Les Paul play is amazing. Sting and Price are amazing at what they do. I can't see taking a rif and adding beats to it making new music. Your just taken something that was popular and making it popular again.
Clockwork orange has always been one of my favs. Star Wars ,but im not buying the new,old ones just out. I have giving you all the money you need Lucas. Should have released this set years ago. Searching for Bobby Fisher, great movie amazing actors. I hate saying african american actors or even actresses. I like to say actors. period dot dot dot. Denzel is amazing just watched Inside Man, spike you out did yourself. I want to see more movies at the movies. Where are the movies like Places in the Heart? If they made that movie today the body count would out weigh the cotton. (see the movie).
I watch too much reality TV. I have tried out for weakest link, Jeapordy in the past. Am a bit, ok freak about trivia.
Dragon Reborn series, get well soon RJ. Steven King, Mark Twain (read him people).
Spiderman. Oh wait you mean like people i look up too. Spiderman.