iabout me!
Tania Leah Casaldarnos
Harriquincasaaaa. gn. kbo.-and im a Russian Princess by name-
but i go by Tany
i'm seventeen-aint so sweet.
Senior at CHS and no, i dnt drive yet.
had the best.of.both.worlds. you could say.
growin up in a big city and a small town at the same time
got four proud parents. thats right.
i consider myself pretty darn lucky.
i get two of every holiday and double the love.. :P
not to mention some pretty rad vacations.
im a mut
unusually hard to hold on too..so I've heard.
can't seem to keep a tan :/
can't escape my red hairand i hate that.
I'm obsessed with Marilyn Monroe
the character Betty Boop.♥
and currently Michael Jackson musica.
call me a starbucks addict.
-height challenged.
-makeup addicted.
at times verry slow.
go ahead. call me shy. i daarre yoo. {
sometimes im too loud.other times im speechless.
i [dig] laughing alot.
especialllly with my friends. :]
Name: TaniaAge: seVenteen
Location: somewhere between reality and daydreaming.
Status: sssingle
Peace pot, tequila shot
Jesus loves us stoned or not.
Sex, drugs, rock -n- roll
Speed, weed, birth control.
Lifes a bitch and then u die
We aren't wimps so we don't cry.
Party hard, rock -n- roll
We're the class you can't control!
The girls are fine, the guys are great
We're the class of 2008!
..and my
we run miles and go naked.
as for c/o 2007..i miss them to the MAX.
but its all abt o8 :] Home pics add message friends blog Hello