To start off I live in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, but I grew up in Gurabo. I'm studying at "el Colegio" Electrical Engineering (half way through). I like all sports, music is my life, and I love, praise and serve God over all things. I like to hang out with my friends and meet people all over the world, especially all my puertoricans holla back. Right now I'm what u can call a minister, since I write and sing christian reggaeton, and try to deliver God's word through my music and my acts, u know how we do. If anyone wanna contact me, my msn is
[email protected] . Dios los Bendiga. "Combo Eclesiastico Coming Soon!" Recuerda que el reino de los cielos lo arrebatan los valientes asi que no te quites ante ninguna situacion ni tribulacion, porque DIOS ya vencio al mundo, y en El somos mas que victoriosos. Porque el NO nos envio a este mundo para sufrir y tratar de sobrevivir, sino que nos ha dado vida para SOBREABUNDAR por su gracia y por SU AMOR.