Get theFuck Out Give Me Something To Read Add As Friend Send Comment Pictures View Blog Make EnemyMy XangaThis is me
I'm tired of people that want nothing more than to start shit so if that's you, click the Get the Fuck Outlink above right now. I'm getting better about dealing with myself and my life, and feel like things may actually be lookingup for a change.I'm a European car fan, but in reality a vehicle is just that and if you're car is original i'll give respect where it's due.Don't, however, expect me to give you props if you're driving something that is just like everything else out there. To methat's not a custom car.
I'm outspoken, overly opinionated, and will speak my mind, usually at just the wrong time. While i get a lot of shit about itfrom some, I also get a lot of respect from others. Overall i don't deal with stupidity well, and have a habit of lashing outwhen it rears it's head. Common sense is a trait i value and wonder why so many people seem to lack it.
My sense of humor is too dry, dark, and corrupt for most to understand. But if you can't find the humor in even the mostshithole of situations then why bother living?
I support stupid people committing suicide, as well as them being brutally killed.
I don't give a fuck what you think
And my friends and family mean more to me then i generally let them know.
If you want to know me better....
Talk to me
There is nothing i hate more than an individual who gets his or her information from somebody and basis an opinion off of itwithout doing their own research first.