I'd like to meet:
[Glitterfy.com - *Glitter Maker*]
Your love is... by ChibiMarronchan
Your name is...
Your kiss is... breath taking
Your hugs are... to die for
Your eyes... burn into my heart
Your touch is... the only thing I desire
Your smell is... amazing
Your smile is... entrancing
Your love is... unique
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l!l m()() m()() t!ll d@ 3nd !t'z @ll @bout m@ boo moo~moo !t'z @ll @bout m@ boo moo~moo !t'z @ll @bout m@ boo moo~moo !t'z @ll @bout m@ boo moo~moo !t'z @ll @bout m@ boo moo~moo !t'z @ll @bout m@ boo moo~moo !t'z @ll @bout m@ boo moo~moo !t'z @ll @bout m@ boo moo~moo !t'z @ll @bout m@ boo moo~moo Click here to make Falling Objects !t'z @ll @bout m@ boo moo~moo !t'z @ll @bout m@ boo moo~moo !t'z @ll @bout m@ boo moo~moo !t'z @ll @bout m@ boo moo~moo !t'z @ll @bout m@ boo moo~moo !t'z @ll @bout m@ boo moo~moo !t'z @ll @bout m@ boo moo~moo !t'z @ll @bout m@ boo moo~moo !t'z @ll @bout m@ boo moo~moo !t'z @ll @bout m@ boo moo~moo !t'z @ll @bout m@ boo moo~moo !t'z @ll @bout m@ boo moo~moo !t'z @ll @bout m@ boo moo~moo !t'z @ll @bout m@ boo moo~moo !t'z @ll @bout m@ boo moo~moo
ma cuz ma role model i love ha to death.....i love diz gurl wit all ma heart..datz ma boo ma stinka and err thing else
are you taken or single? taken
do you like someone? yea
have you been in love? yea
if so how many times? once
what is your bf/gf's name? MOO-MOO
are you happy where are right now? YEA
what you look for in a gf/bf?
what color of eyes? hazel
what color of hair? don't matter
how old? around ma age
how tall? taller than me
have you ever had your heart broken? hell nah
do you break hearts? not on purpose
does someone have your heart right now? yea
is your heart very fragile? yup yup
other random ?'s
what is your name? Angela
nicknames..: Annie...Babi girl...wifey
best friend? Monisha
how old are you? nun ya
DOB: July 14
left handed or right? left
pet peeve?
favorite color(s): red blue pink
do love your life? yup yup
have you ever done something illegal? yea
what is your middle name? Michele
last person
that called you? Shawn
talked to? Taqui
you cryed to? my big brotha
you laughed with? Scoota and Taqui
you laughed at? Ma lil brotha
you hugged? ma brotha
you kissed? moo-moo
who are you thinking about right now? ma hubby
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