HES ALL I NEED...ITS A PROMISE<33 [my bestie andrew]
SOme HyphY jaMz..
Aimee!!i freaken miss you!why did you have to move to fontana?aii your life. anyways i love this girl we were like the closest things ever never argued and never fought. and we have the same bdays =]
shes so freaken kool 2 the max and shell kick your ass for me. i love you aimee.POwerPuFFgirls!
These Two Chicks are My BEst Friends..i grew up with them my whole life.Since day UNO! so we kind of became like sisters..i love you bitchesIts SocceR SLeePoVer Time..(Soccer Madness in the gym)Arroyo Ladies MVL Champs!
At the BEACH. ♥GlaMorous
..Greys Anatomy..
..The HiLLs..
..Americas Nesxt Top Model..
..One Tree Hill..
..That 70's Show..
the forbidden fruit
the GUYS that Saved me from my CAR ACCIDENT...