rock and roll, water, mountains, beautiful woman
Almost anyone not in entertainment or the hollywood scene. Someone who likes the outdoors, likes the mountains or places near or on the Water............................... Hey, if your in the entertainment industry I really do want to meet you too. Hey, at least we'll understand each other and the fact that we work 60+ hrs. a week. SO COME ONE AND COME ALL! Yah, right.
I love alot of the new hardrockin alternative bands like Korn and Audioslave, Rob Zombie (the stuff with johnny Tempesta on drums, one of rocks greatest drummers of his time. Go Johnny, tell foreman to call me or e-mail) etc. I also have some very good friends who are kick-ass musicians who have had some success. Shawn Duncan was my right-hand man when I had my business and plays drums for 2 bands currently that I know of;; "ODIN", (back in the early 80's they were one of the premiere rock bands on the sunset strip in hollywood), and "DC4", a band originally formed w/ brothers, Matt, and Jeff (of "Armored Saint" fame). Shawn informed me that they've been joined by a new guitarist who did an album and toured w/ "DIO" when he was 18!!!! Shawn say's they're working on a new album.If you get a chance to see these guys, definitely go!...........Gene Seigel I've known for 16-17 years at least. I used to book 2 of his bands in a nightclub I had control of back in the late eighties. They were the 2 biggest draws at the club, "Go Man Go", and "Blue Scooter and the Cryder Bros.". His new band culminates a life time of musical writing, performing, and producing. "Station Victoria" is his latest creative endeavor and the quality of the musicians he has gathered to record this project are second to none. Geno, as I call him has bandmates who have worked with such huge acts as; Rod Stewart, The Eagles, Roger Dultry and others. His co-writer on several songs is no other than Loren Gold who struck Gold with "The Hillary Duff band". The album he did with her went to Number 1 on the pop charts. He is now Hillary Duffs musical director, so obviously he's doing something right. Station "Victorias" music crosses over from riveting hardrock to catchy pop. His new album is one of my favorite albums out there, and that's not just a biased opinion because he's a friend, my opinion is based on years of experience in the entertainment industry, working with some of biggest acts in the world including but not limited too; the Rolling Stones, U2, Madonna, the Grateful Dead, Santana, Linkin Park, Creed, etc., etc., etc............... Another friend of mine has only recently moved down to the LA area (1 - 1 1/2yrs ago). His Name Is Kevin Cryder (of "Blue Scooter and the Cryder Bros." fame) and his band is "The Cause". I have been able to catch one of their shows, and the Kevin I know is still one of the most inovative bass players you'll get the oppurtunity to see in a club. Years ago he even made it to the second or third round of auditions for Metallica back in the eighties.
Hitchcock, action, some of the classics, and all the others
House, Sopranos, Lost, I'm a sucker for the worst kind of reality TV shows, and those are the kind of unscripted shows that take work away from me and my co-workers, but there still hilarious sometimes.
ludlum, political thrillers, my sister Lisa Vander's "how to make millions in real estate" (YOU CAN FIND IT AT AAALL THE BIG BOOK STORES, LIKE BARNES AND NOBLE, AMAZON, ETC..........
Well kristi came and went. It was great seeing her after all these years and I hope nothing but the best for her. She's got a hell of a fight in front of her but she's tough. I luv ya Kris so don't give up!!!!!!!!!! ...........on the not so lighter side...................My other hereos are the people who can relax and really enjoy life (I respect that because I always find a way to take things to serious). But on the flipside it's the ambitious, stressed-out, go-getters, problem solvers, and workaholics, who make it possible for those people to relax and enjoy life comfortably, who are also heroes............ The democrats and the republicans are also heroes, because without the far right and the far left we would'nt have passionate debate to stimulate ideas and a capability to promote the true view of all the people, whether we like it or not. As for right now our system is still the best system out there, with just one reason being the fact that we can love or hate it so publicly, of course we will also be vulnerable to rebuttle when we voice our opinions but thats what its all about anyway. However, it is still a work in progress, and, it will always be a work in progress. So to those on both sides who try to stay educated in politics and other issues of today and have an educated opinion, I applaud you, whether or not I agree with you. My non-heroes are those who speak out in a knee jerk reaction-type manner to a position that is derived not from an educated opinion but from a simplistic idealist point of view that is'nt reality based. It's simple to say killing is wrong, simply speaking , who can argue with that, of course killing is wrong, but when self-defense or the defense of a friend or neighbor is concerned, especially on a world stage, and enter religion, economics, and ideology, etc., all of a sudden it's not so simple..... Also the fireman and the police around the country who put there lives in harms way to protect all of us from the true crap out there that can hurt or damage us or our loved ones (of course like a barrel of apples or any other entities, there are always going to be a few rotten apples in every bunch, but the majority are sincere and do their best, yes mistakes and misdeeds do happen on occasion, but where would we be without them)................ And last but far from least, all the coalition forces around the world who are fighting for freedom, liberty, and the lives of free people around the world, we pray for you!! you are true heroes!!!!!!!... May the newly freed people of the middle-east prevail over the terrorists, and any entity that could possibly condone the purposeful targetting of innocent children and citizens of any community (it's bad enough when innocents die when targets are military or strategic in nature and there is collateral damage). And to those who are also fighting the deep rooted hatred that has ruled that part of the world for millenia, you are heroes. I believe with a freedom based education and truely free speech (however, just because you support free speach doe'snt mean mean that you have to condone irresponsible speech) and free communication of all types, and most of all the planting of the seeds of tolerance, then hopefully, in one, or maybe even two, generations, peace can be attained in that region, especialy with an undyeing support from the free world. To all the people who fight for that future and who have to raise their family's in that region, you are all heroes. YAH, YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!!!!!!!!!! And if I missed anybody, tough, I'll add you later,,,,,,,,,,, maybe!!!!!!!!!!! OOOOOOOOOOh, I almost forgot all the girls at cheetahs in hollywood, your my heroes too!!!!!!!!