GOOD: Thunderstorms.friends.bartram trail (most of the time).my dog.laughing so hard you can't breathe in the wee hours of the night when you have 3rd grade type sleepovers.the beautiful things in for you and not the ones around you.knowing how to have a good time.LA NOP with Logan party of 6 =]The Augooooostinator. Both Linzinators. my ipod. my camera. doing things that make me happy.singing. driving fast. BAD: circus peanuts.stupid styrofoam peanuts that come in boxes and spill all over your floor.George Bush.Cats.Bad Drivers.Smokers. ick.stupid people.smelly band kids.people that are fake.the dentist.the sound of cotton being pulled apart.9 hour guard practices.being pulled over.
anyone who enriches my life =) if there is the slightest chance that you will cause me any grief, find someone else to be friends with =) mmmkkk.
pretty much everything.
choke.fight club.hang a thousand trees with like jazz.the great gatsby.