I loVe plaYing basketbAll..HanGing ouT With frieNds and faMily..moVies..SwiMming..ChUrcH..CookoUts..BowLing.. CoOkinG..tHe BeaCh..DriVinG FaSt..Laughing..PlaYiN' n tHe SnOw..FoOtBaLL NigHts..HoliDays..ShoPpinG..GaG GifTs..SmiLinG..tHe gReaT OuTdooRs..TrUckS..I aDorE mY neW caMerA.. I'm reaLLy staRtinG to liKe pHotoGraphY..Need your picture taken?
..God & his son..Eventually! ..PauLa DeEn.. I finally met her sons Jamie and Bobby! ..Ellen DeGeneres..
..Raising Helen..The Notebook..Secondhand Lion..Forrest Gump..Sling Blade..Jersey Girl..Wedding Crashers..Pretty Woman..Million Dollar Baby..Top Gun..Cinderella Man.. Shall I go on?
..I Love Lucy..Golden Girls..FoodNetworK..Ellen..Army Wives..The Hills..Grey's Anatomy..Did I mention I love my DVR box?
..My FavOritE autHors.. NichoLas SparKs DaVe PelZer CarLene ThompSon
..GoD..He's aLL I eVeR nEed..CaSt aLL yOur anXiety oN hiM beCause hE cAres fOr yOu. - 1 PeTer5:7 -I haVe toLd yOu tHese thiNgs, So thAt iN Me yOu mAy haVe peaCe. In thiS woRld yOu Will hAve troUble. But taKe hearT! I hAve oveRcome tHe wOrld. - JoHn 16:33 -