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My Lord n Savia, JESUS!!! Thank ya!!!...lol
Gospel, Classical, and Jazz.Rutgers University Liberated Gospel Choir (that's me playin "LEAD KEYZ!!!")
All tha Fridayz...Kings of Comedy...The Benchwarmers...All tha Madeas...Beverly Hills Ninja...Tommy Boy...Black Sheep...40 Yr Old Virgin...Old School...Wedding Crashers...White Chicks...All tha American Pies...The Passion of Christ...The One...Love & Basketballl...and more!
Fresh Prince...Seinfield...Cosby's...Martin...Jamie Foxx...Wayan's Bros...Bernie Mac.
Tha Bible...Ben Carson...The Purpose Driven Life
Jesus (He saved my life!) n my mother n father (they saved my behind a few timez...lol)..