Well, I don't have much time for anything other than reading and programming, but I like to draw. I want to learn to use color. Right now, I deal pretty much with just charcoal and pencil. I have two cats that demands my attention. One's a vicious killer and the other tries to avoid her. In gauging my own personality, I'd have to say that I'm, usually, pretty mellow, but sometimes I'll just say completely off the wall things or be really sarcastic, which most of my friends don't have a problem with. I can get into some seriously dumb arguments. I'll look back and say, "Whoa, what was that?" I don't think I'm hard to get along with.
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Josie and the Pussycats... like one of those movies where the cartoons and people interact; the president when we have one that wouldn't mind me in his presence and vice versa; for some reason, I really like Indian culture, so maybe Ghandi or Siddhartha; Jack, yeah..., Jack Kerouac... we'll drink port together someday on a train across the Elysian Fields; Johnny Depp, just cause he's really laidback and I could see us spending a good 20 seconds or so together without saying anything, cause what's there to say?; and Seth MacFarlane and Matt Groenig... that should go without explanation; Danny Kass, cause he reminds me of my childhood sweetheart, but my snowboarding skills will definitely not get me that meeting; Richard Brautigan, would be like an acid trip without all the spinal pain; Tom Robbins, so I could do the Wayne and Garth "We're not worthy."
Wow, music... I like to sing, and I listen to a little bit of everything, mainly indy, punk, and alternative, which I left broad, because I like a little bit of everything within the subcategories. I prefer old country, like Willie Nelson and Patsy Cline, to the new country, which sounds kind of like pop rock with a thick hick accent. My friends and I had a band that we put together for one show, which was punktry. We took country songs and made them punk and punk songs and made them country. We had a theory that there's only two ways to be entertaining: Be either really good or really bad. We were really entertaining.
I need to seriously search my soul about my favorite movie. I have quite a few favorites, but none of them seem to really fit me anymore. Empire Records, But I'm a Cheerleader, Tank Girl, and Playing Mona Lisa are the four that I can find entertaining when seeing them multiple times, but I don't know that they say anything about who I am.
Well, I have one show that I watch fairly religiously. I'll tape it if I have to miss, which I always do cause it comes on during class. Plus, I watch it with my best friend, but he's sometimes busy when it comes on, too. That would be Gilmore Girls, because I love their sarcasm and wit. Other than that, I really don't have the TV on much. I used to keep it on all the time while I was typing papers or writing programs, but anymore I just get mad at the extravagance or sheer egotism of people. While I feel privileged to live in a nation where I can speak my mind without being thrown into prison, the commercialism of our society saddens me. It's dissappointing to hear what some people have to say when they could say anything.
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Right now, I'm in the middle of War and Peace and Fierce Invalids Home From Hot Climates. My favorite books are Messi@h by Andrei Codrescu, Still Life With Woodpecker by Tom Robbins, On the Road and The Dharma Bums by Jack Kerouac, and The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand. I read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance and I didn't get all the hype about it. My Foundations of Education professor said that you have to wait a few years and read it, again, to appreciate it. Of course, I've read and love all the Harry Potter books. Eagerly anticipating the release of the next one. Ok, I'm gonna stop here or I'll be typing all day.
My daddy was a firefighter, so he's always been my hero. As far as someone that I aspire to be like... I guess I haven't met them, yet. I know I've met a lot of brave people in my life, and they've all made some sort of impression.