gettin piercings= i have 19 at the moment 2 in my right eye brow my right side nose tripple snake bite(3 lip) 7 left ear 6 right ear and tattos=i have 7 tats 2 on my left foot 2 on my left knee 1 on my right knee my knuckles on my left hand and a star on my thump and index finger webbing , my cat Tigger my beta morphine and my dog ty-ko. not being like you say what you want i will NEVER be like you. i like music and being under the influence of any illegal substance. i like the colors red black pink and green. i luv being perverted but in an inocent way:P. i dont like crowds... or reality so please dont bring me out into the real world. i smoke the drugs and drink the booze its the only time i feel like a real person. but im uber bored of this now so ya im out... to the wellfare bat cave robin!!!!
I thank Steve for this game.
im pretty open to who i talk to... i dont like meeting new ppl cause of the fact im not a people person... i wont be rude or anything tho. if your fun and random add me!!! dont add me to tell me im hott or you want me or ne thing like that im not here to impress any one.Music Video: BOB (by NoFx)
Music Video Code provided by Video Code Zone
I listen to what i like not what you stupid ppl want me to like. cuz i AM ME i am not a number... or am i... shit man im number i wont be judged by what i listen to 1:D
movies are kool i watch almost any thing but i hate sappy boo hoo movies fuck.
i dont watch to much tv for a chick that likes to stay home i dont watch to much tv or go on the comp much so ya i watch what ever is on when i actualy watch tv
Lori... read.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... oh you were serious... i dont read HAHAHA
Jack The {fuckin} Pumpkin King:D(yes a cartoon character is my hero... and my biggest crush:P )Gir, YOUR MOM!! deff hott tattoo parlor guy ummmm i dunno. my bro 2 he is almost the bestest person in the world{i wanna be just like him... sorta exept for the being a dude part yuh kno i kinda like being a chick} he has done so much and in so little time. and of course TOMII PASSIONATE!!! i