About Me
Flatty Kat had been brewing in my head for many years, was something I've often talked about to my two children Marilyn and Tony (to which the book is dedicated). Then I met Nick Grabowsky, by then a successful horror author by many years with an ambitious drive to no end, and he kicked my butt into making Flatty a reality (not to mention another son). I drew most of the Flatty Kat characters freehand, then together we transferred everything to Adobe Illustrator and took it from there, discussed the story content, Nick wrote the text, and now I have a neat children's book full of allegory, "litter box humor," and groovy fun no matter who you are.
Love ya, Baby.....
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It's a fully illustrated, fun and witty treat for children of all ages! Renown artist Phyllis Haupert and world-acclaimed horror/fantasy novelist Nicholas Grabowsky combined forces to create this full-color children's book already winning the hearts of kids, parents, and cat-lovers alike! Flatty Kat, Mister Babee, Stinky, and Crispy the Wonder Ghost Cat love to sit and tell stories at the Moove On In milk bar. And oh, the tales they have to tell! Did you know cats' fur gets green when they get too close to the sun? Have you heard the latest groovin' hit from Cat Master Flash? Or find out just exactly how Flatty Kat became flat! Read the misadventures of everyone's favorite one-dimensional cat!
Phyllis Haupert is an accomplished illustrator and painter with a wide body of work to her credit ranging from advertising to product label art to masterful furniture paintings and mural art. Currently, she lives as a graphic artist in the Sacramento, California area with her fiancé (and the co-author of this book) and their son Charlie. She is studying for a degree in business administration and serves as the promotional director for the Grabowsky-founded Diverse Media publications. "Flatty Kat: Tales of an Urban Feline" is her first book.
Nicholas Grabowsky’s novels of horror/fantasy, both as himself and as Nicholas Randers, have been acclaimed throughout the world by genre fans for over two decades and praised by such horror gurus as Stephen King and Clive Barker. His body of work includes the macabre aliens-among-us epic The Everborn, The Rag Man, Pray Serpent’s Prey, Halloween IV (and its special edition), Diverse Tales and The Wicked Haze, with a body of work extending to screenplays and a wide variety of nonfiction. His independent film projects include the slasher creature feature Cutting Edges.
Here's a few original Flatty character sketches I did when I first got started:
Flatty Kat is read by teachers to their classrooms, parents to their children before bedtime, cat owners to their cats (and they do pay attention!) Read Flatty Kat to your loved ones and they'll dig it, baby!