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Hello! My name is Tammy i'm here to meet FriENdS....You Gotta Have FRiends. I am here to reconnect with old friends, current friends, and of course my family. MEmBers of the ECHELON/MARS ARMY And fellow USED fanz! And of course anyone else that wants to cHAt.
The daily show with JON Stewart, The ColBert Report, FooTbaLL, sOuTH pArK, roBot Chicken [AdulT SwIm], mIND of MenCIa, Drawn Together, rEd vS. BlUe, The AmAzing Race, The UNit, NCIS, that 70's show, DOG the bounty hunter (a MUST see), GhoSt HunTers, SteVen's UnTitled RoCK SHoW, MTV reALity, AND houSe hUNTers juST to NamE a FEW.