Fresh - adj. - consisting of qualities of awesomeness and righteousness, act of being too legit to quit.
That's how most would some up my life. I used to live the life that 15 year old girls gossip about. I shared vans/buses with those that entertain. I ate lunch with "celebrities." But to me they weren't people with an extraordinary career, they were just extraordinary people with a career. I miss the road. I miss my friends. Music was my life, now its my memory.
I now live my life for MYSELF, not for the others around me, nor the ones that I want(ed) around me. These are my days and nights, and I will do with them as I see fit.
I'm an unofficial philosopher. I learn more from my days than most. I won't settle for anything short of stellar in my life.
I have an ego. I have doubts. I have confidence issues. I trust people who I shouldn't trust, and I forget those who shouldn't be forgotten. I'm not a complicated person, but I'm a person who comes with complications.
I now host The Morning Show on 94.3 WMKR in Taylorville, Illinois. I'm also the voice of Taylorville High School basketball on 97.1 WTIM. It's not much to some, but it's the first big step to greatness for me. After years of being behind the scenes, I'm finally the star.