"The tanks are full. The suit is on. We orbit the earth. And the galaxy beyond. The outer space. The rocket ship is cold. The space-food is gone. The robot is attacking the computer. In outer space."
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I enjoy many a type of music. I am confounded by possibilities that lie within sounds put together harmoniously to form music. the combinations are endless. music is a declaration of infinity.
O brother where art thou, Nacho Libre, the Labyrinth, Band of Brothers series was pretty sweet, but i haven't seen it in a long time. i might not even like it anymore. Eric the Viking. All things Monty Python...yadda yadda yadda.
NO T.V. instead, i enjoy practicing my self effacing humor tactics, and grappling hook finesse.
Ummmm lemme think...wait it's comin to me....wait for it...wait for it....oh ya...THE BIBLE!!!! then as distant, yet illustrious runners up 'Sparks of Genius' by Robert and Michele Root-Berenstien, 'Archetypal Dimensions of the Psyche' by Marie louise Von Franz,'How Now Shall We Live' by Charles Colson, 'The Divine Conquest''Pursuit of God' by A.W. Tozer, 'Whatever Became of Sin?' by Karl Menninger. OOH here comes a bad phonics story... When i was in like first grade i read a whole book about a guy on an island, but i thought it was an is-land, though it sounded like he lived somewhere just like an i-land, and i finally concluded that people in other countries must call i-lands is-lands, and i believed that fact of my own creation until i was somewhere around the age of ten. Made a whole lot of sense at the time, now, not so much.