*A~VeGaS* profile picture


~*Be HaPpY fOr ThIs MoMeNt, ThIs MoMeNt Is YoUr LIFE"...*~

About Me

**~My name is Adrienne...I love going out and having a WONDERFUL time. I absolutely love AUBURN FOOTBALL~* WAR EAGLE~! I have AMAZING friends that are WONDERFUL. We have our differences, but we always seem to work through them. I love meeting NEW people and PARTYING!!!*~NeVeR rEgReT sOmEtHiNg ThAt OnCe MaDe YoU sMiLe.~***MaYbE sOmE wOmEn WeReN't MeAnT tO bE tAmEd MaYbE tHeY'rE sUpPoSeD tO rUn WiLd UnTiL tHeY fInD sOmEoNe JuSt As WiLd To RuN wItH*~ Sex In The City.*~NoThInG lAsT fOrEvEr, So LiVe It Up, DrInK iT dOwN, lAuGh It OfF, aVoId ThE BULLSHIT, tAkE cHaNcEs, AnD nEvEr HaVe ReGrEtS, bEcAuSe At OnE pOiNt, EvErYtHiNg YoU dId WaS eXaCtLy WhAt YoU wAnTeD.~*!"~* Be SeXie . Be tRue . bE wIld . bE YoU*~""So It'S nOt GoNnA bE eAsY! iT's GoInG tO bE rEaLly HaRd; We'Re GoNnA hAvE tO wOrK aT tHiS eVeRyDaY, bUt I wAnT tO dO tHaT bEcAuSe I wAnT yOu. I wAnT aLl Of YoU eVeRyDaY, fOrEvEr. YoU aNd Me... EvErYdAy!!!"SoMeTiMeS tHe HaRdEsT tHiNg AnD tHe RiGhT tHiNg aRe ThE sAmE!* ~The Fray~*MeMoRiEs ArE wOrTh AlL tHe SlEePlEsS nIgHtS iT tAkEs To MaKe ThEm...*~"~*In LiFe YoU cAn'T gEt AlL cAuGhT uP iN wIsHiNg FoR sOmEtHiNg ThAt'Ll NeVeR hApPeN*~!"* LiVe A lItTlE* 'cAuSe YoU cAn'T bE oLd AnD wIsE' iF yOu WeRe NeVeR yOuNg AnD cRaZy!!!*thinK the only reasOn wHy people hOld on tO memOries so tight is Cuz memOries aRe the 'Only' things* that dOnt chAnge~ when everything eLse dOes*~"DiStAnCe,~ It Is A tEsT oF lOvE, mAnY wIlL fAiL, bUt FoR tHoSe WhO cAn WiThStAnD iT hAvE tHe AnSwEr:) TrUe LoVe.~""LaUgH wHeN u CaN * aPoLoGiZe WhEn U sHoUlD aNd LeT gO oF wHaT YOU cAn'T cHaNgE." KISS sLoWlY~* pLaY HARD*~ FORGIVE qUiCkLy... ~TAKE CHANCES!* ~*give everything** AND have NO REGRETS! ;) LiFe Is ToOo ShOrT tO bE aNyThInG bUt HAPPY!!!*~~*i'Ve LeArEnD tHaT iT iS nOt WhAt YoU hAvE iN liFe, BuT wHo YoU hAvE tHaT cOuNtS~*
.:*Far too many people are LOOKING for the right person, instead of trying to BE the right person*:.!*wHiLe ShE iS yOuRs, WaNt HeR, aPpReCiAtE hEr, AnD bE kInD tO hEr... BeCaUsE sEcOnD cHaNcEs DoN't CoMe OfTeN eNoUgH... aNd FoReVeR iS a LoNg TiMe To MiSs HeR...!~*~*Don't envy anybody: every person has something no one else has. Develop that one thing in yourself, and make it OUTSTANDING.~***WOULDN'T it BE ironic IF at THIS very MOMENT you WERE thinking OF me, AS i'm THINKING of YOU?!?!**!ONE CHANCE~ TWO PEOPLE~ THREE WORDS!~Everybody has a WILD side, we just CHOOSE to be public.~.:*~SoMeTiMeS yOu NeEd A sEcOnD cHaNcE bEcAuSe TiMe WaSn'T rEaDy FoR tHe FiRsT oNe~*:."!**~She's not perfect. You aren't either, and the two of you will never be perfect. But if she can make you laugh at least once, causes you to think twice, and admits to being human and making mistakes, hold on to her and give her the most you can. Shes not thinking about you every moment, but she will give you a part of her that she knows you could break. Dont hurt her, dont change her, dont expect more than she can give. Dont analyze. Smile when she makes you happy, yell when she makes you mad, and miss her when shes not there. Love hard when there is love to be hard~**!"

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

WENTWORTH MILLER... Matthew McConaughey... JULIA ROBERTS... Jennifer Aniston!!! Background Artist:
Marah Johnson This layout was handmade with love by the folks at My space or yours? Go get one!


I like it ALL!


*~The Notebook, The Break Up, Pretty Woman, Failure to Launch, DIRTY DANCING!, bEcAuSe I sAiD sO!**


~*PRISON BREAK, One Tree Hill, THE HILLS, Oprah, DAWSONS CREEK, Extreme Makeover: Home Edition!*, MiAmI iNk, RoCk oF lOvE!!*


GOD.. and my FAMILY!!!