I'm not the person I was, or the person you think I am.
I am loved my many and hated by few.
I am very far from perfect by I like who I am and where
I'm at for the moment.
I've done a lot of things I regret,
and I regret not doing a lot of things.
But I am making up for that now.
If I want something I get it, If I want to do something
I do it. Life is for living so live it!
Fuck what other people say and do, be true to yourself
and you will be genuinely happy.
According to other people, I am outgoing, crazy, cute,
beautiful, amazing but you make of me what you wish.
But only once you have got to know me.
Even then I will ALWAYS surprise you.
I drink and smoke quite a lot, I swear too much,
sometimes racist but in a non racist way,
honesty is a big deal to me, i don't lie, don't cheat
and don't play games so dont do that to me.
I did A Levels at college and hated it,
I am a hairdresser but still quite intellectual,
i feel that hairdressing is making me thick.
I NEED a good conversation!
I will talk to anyone, but that doesnt mean I like you.
dont take me for granted coz one day you will turn around
and I wont be there.
I expect too much from people, but also not enough.
I'm a sucker for a charmer, even if they are pricks.
I'm completly gullible, I will believe pretty much anything.
My head is a bit fucked at the moment,
but I'm getting a lot more sorted as each day goes by.
I absolutely adore: Hair, Max Factor, Tattoos, Men, Calvin Klein, The Sun, Fake Tan, Contacts, Hair Extensions, Glasses, Confidence, Uniqueness, Camden, Music, My bed, Nymphomaniacs, Old Skool, Pink, My Car, My Friends, Pumps, Skirts, Magners, Dancing, Gay clubs, Patterns, Being Short, Fake Boobs, Shoes, My Chloe Paddington, Driving for the sake of driving, Gorgeous Eyes, Comfy Jeans, Hats, The Beach, Newquay, iTunes, iPod, Fake Eyelashes, Bronzer, Piercings, Rugby, Interesting People, Singing, Gigs, Money, My family, Lucozade Sport
I detest: Insecurity, Dogs, Religion, Florida, Thick People, Posers, Chavs, Jealousy, Ears, People Who Don't Stand Up For Themselves, Feet, Two Faced People, Dirtiness, Being Cold, Liars, Gaining Weight, Cheats, Being so competitive, Players, Having An Addictive Nature, Ignorance, Deep Water, Full Fat Coke, Potatoes, Bullies
i like everything
anything that gets me moving =]
high school musical 1&2
dirty dancing
romeo & juliet
longest yard
cruel intentions
miami ink
nearly famous
mtv progs
town called ureka