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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm a professional actor/writer/filmmaker working the Midwest market (Chicago, Indy, Cincy, Louisville, Milwaukee, etc.) hoping that one of my own screenplays catapults my twin bro & I into the forefront of the biz, or at least into the haze of the limelight, so I can concentrate solely on my writing, acting, filmmaking, body, SOUL, and touching the masses. Currently, we (Hero Twins Pictures -- are in preproduction for our first feature film, an R-rated dark comedy, shooting this spring. To learn more about me, see or look me up on Currently, I have only a handful of film credits listed on IMDB, but I'll have at least seven films by the end of year...So, watch out, y'all, this Nobody from the Back 40 of the Planet is about to ROCK YOUR WORLD!!! :)

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Natalie Portman. Jim Carrey, Adam Sandler, Ed Harris, David Letterman, Joaquin Phoenix, Johnny Depp, a LIVE Chris Farley...I could go on for days...JESUS -- live and in person -- during his life here on earth...anyone who could help me either get an interview for Survivor (I have zero doubt that I wouldn't win), or help me land a juicy, recurring role and a steady writing gig.......Just a break is all I need in this world. The rest I can do on my, did I mention I would like to meet Natalie Portman?! :)

My Blog

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