I'd like to meet:
noam chomsky, kurt vonegut, wayne coyne, bob dylan, and of course steven colbert.
Flaming Lips, Modest Mouse, Pinback, The Beatles, The Doors, Q and Not U, Elliot Smith, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, Coldplay, Bob Dylan, Cursive, Wolf Parade, Jimi Hendrix, Minus the Bear, Pavement, Radiohead, Xiu Xiu, Akron Family, Aloha, Arcade Fire, Beck, The Roots, Broken Social Scene, Built to Spill, David Bowie, Girl Talk, Saul Williams, Look Mexico, One Small Step For Landmines, Harry Connick Jr, Inkwell, Interpol, Kings of Convenience, Mars Volta, Lovely Feathers, Oh No Oh My, Ratatat, Quien Es, Boom!, Willy Mason, The Shins, Silversun Pickups, Sigur Ros, Tapes n' Tapes, Velvet Underground, Tom Waits, Bruce Springsteen, Anathallo
lost in translation, waking life, garden state, magnolia, hitchhikers guide, royal tenenbaums, life aquatic, pi, slam, broken flowers, back to the future, count of monte cristo, punch drunk love, adaptation, v for vendetta, art school confidential, trainspotting, fight club. cant wait for christmas on mars to come out, fear and loathing, clockwork orange, paradise now, there will be blood, 8 days a week
book tv on cspan, msnbc, colbert report, Fox News for a laugh, everything else i watch only when nathan puts it on.
kurt vonnegut, jack kerouac, oscar wilde, robert asprin, hemingway, victor hugo, carl marx, mark twain, henry david thoreau, albert camut, alan ginsberg, ray bradbury, hunter s thompson, J Glenn Gray, Peter Singer, george orwell, noam chomsky, bertrand russell, the greeks and enlightenment philosophy
nathan, kevin, tyler, lilly, jamie, dad, mom