gO sHoPpin hAng oUt aT thE mAll..chill on the beach.go clubbin.{shawtii got it goin on-*} "What kind of girl are you *PICTURES!*"
Your a bitch.. everyone secretly hates you becuase you are so mean.. you need some prozac or something.. die you stupid bitch!!*-the gurlz at the miami clubb-*-where i was at on spring breakjAmie*Courtnee*danielle*shannon
hEyy wElCoMe 2 mUh pAge..hoPe u ..im nOt DaT kInDa gErl..~cUlO~.. hEs FyNe DeY aLL fYnE
ii lYke eminem state property cassidy-ima hustlaum xzibitii Jus lIke hIp Hop oR sum rOck.iMa mIxEd cHiCk33
nE tHiNg ThAt ii lIke..uMm.. SuMthiN cOol..w/e
uMm lAgUnA bEaCh. tRl .sWeEt 16..RoOm rAiDeRz, nE ThInG ii luV. xOx
ii dUn rEaD bOokZ ..mAyBe mAgAzInEz
uMm gAbBy n niCole -- O0o how can i ForGet ThAt gUrL sAmmIe--ThAt sMuThOle..hehehe o0h hOw cAn ii fOrGet dAt gUrL LiSa aKA shAvOnDa..She mUh bEsTeStEsT gUrLiEz MUH BOYFRIEND KEITH..AWW SO ADORABLE..HES MY WUN AND ONLI