this was one of the songs we played at nick's funeral.
his brother Daniel and girlfriend Rose picked it out.
thanks again guys
Love how you curse when I wake you up
Sweetly demand that I fill your cup
With the smile of your cool gun powder glare
Honey, you lay me bare
You're the girl of my dreams
And a pistol it seems, but you shoot me straight and true
Time to lay down my bets
Oh, I put all my money on you
When I'm in the dark, girl, you bring me light
Seems like you're almost always right
So keep boxing my ears when I sew them shut
Baby, you sure are tough
You're the girl of my dreams
And a pistol it seems, but you shoot me straight and true
Time to lay down my fears
Honey, I feel so safe around you
If the tiller man taught me anything,
It's that a hard-headed woman is what I need
To help me to always do my best
Baby, my life is blessed
You're the girl of my dreams
Darling, please wear this ring
You're an angel through and through
Time to lay down my life
Honey, I'd do it gladly for you
Time to lay down my life
Honey, I'd do it gladly for you
I'd like to meet:
i'm a sad panda
[Caption.iT - Text Generators]
south park
rock of love
blue planet
la ink
"One day Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a cheshire cat in a tree.
Which road do I take? She asked.
Where do you want to go? Was his response.
I don't know, Alice answered.
Then said the cat, it doesn't matter."- Lewis Carroll
nick andrew cardoza
May 29, 1982- March 14, 2007