music and stuff. and things. porn especially. lots of cock. i like cock.
sarah mclachlan, arethra franklin, madonna, muse, justin timberlake, anything kind of new and popular really, i do like some classical (to show i am a music student) but most of it is offputting and enforces capitalism. i likes jon schmidt, yann tiersen (of goodbye lenin), something sakamoto, and other kind of ambience type music/instrumental stuff for piano...
i like films that are a bit creepy... like; the pianist, hard candy, C.R.A.Z.Y, boy's don't cry, the piano teacher
Charmed, America's next top model, friends, living tv especially but it's going because we're being made free viewed.
nah ta... i do read the pink paper though when i pick it up. and the metro. lol. oh and some of the free porn mags that some gay bars hand out...
Woodhouse people!