.~*PAIGE*~. profile picture


The following is what happens when A.D.D tries to concentrate on thinking, lol

About Me

How to define myself........Hmmmm. I have made choices in life that were not exactly what I wanted, but were choices made from lack of options. Well, you sleep in the bed you make, or you get the heck out of it, and let me tell you, its a lot harder to like what you have than to get what you want. (are you with me?) I enjoy being adventurous enough to try new things. One of my most favorite sayings is "Never be afraid to try something new-- a professional built the Titanic and an amature built the Ark". **What would you attempt if you knew you would not fail??*** I suppose you could say I am curious. I want to know everything. I'm not nosey, I just like to know how to do stuff. I want to be a "jack of all trades" and a master of none (as the saying goes). Maybe you could call it security of "just knowing". I don't want to limit my options anymore. I think that habit rules more people than it should. Is it just a fear of change, or the inability? Everyone wants to be successful, but some settle with comfort.~~~~~~~~ So, am I still talking about me or everyone else? It's only natural to use the actions of others to define yourself. Thats how we learn. ok, ok,-- class dismissed.*** I do know that life will knock you on your end in a second, especially when you least expect it. We dont always know how to handle it or what to do to change it. One lesson I have definatly learned in life is that you can't change anyone, but they can change as much as they want. ~~~ So, let me see now, all of this pondering boils down to the fact that life has thrown me some curve balls and I havent been sure how to handle some of them. I have just simply done the best I could with what I had. These "curve balls" have therefor defined me. I have become to expect the unexpected and in the very truth of the moment, expect a lie.********************* But wait, theres more!!!~~~~~ I absolutly love being a mother. My kids are hilarious! They are just as smartmouthed as I am. They have kept me sane in moments where there was none. There have been times when trying to juggle bills, a job, school, and wondering if I would even make it to pay-day before I had to give an arm and a leg for gas in the car-*-that all they seem to care about is if they could go to wal-mart, 'cause Granny had give them a dollar!********* Innocence--it's cute,******** Compassion--now theres a word!! animal layout @ http://www.freeuniquelayouts.com/ - Movie Layouts - Music Layouts - More MySpace Layouts! - MySpace Tools

My Interests

I am going to use this space to write about some of my friends in my friend space. Mr. Lanny is my most favorite brother. The next two are my twin sisters, well my sisters that are twins. They are Great!! Mr. Lanny married mrs Leslie, so now we got another sister! Old Town Tavern is where we like to hang out best, not to mention we are all kin!!! SAVING ABLE ROCKS!! LEDBETTER is AWESOME!! Hey Steph, you are one of my best friends! *********%%%%%*******I like doing stuff with my kids. I am used to having a housefull!! I can get away with acting silly. We like road trips, hunting, fishing, rodeos, skating, bowling, putt-putt, nascar, aquriums, tennis, the X-Box, DS, PS2, Wii, going to the park, and bla bla bla!!! ...Speaking of road trips..I always keep some good 'ol southern rock in the car (which of course includes Skynard). I found out exactly what was ment by the line.."where the skys are so blue". We like going, but we LOVE coming home. We are not able to do as many activities as usuall because I have to study so much. I know it will be worth it in the end, and I have the greatest little helpers the Lord could have given me. FEED MY FISHY!!! JUST CLICK AND DRAG THE FOOD TO THE TOP AND CLICK CLICK CLICK TO FEED!!! DONT FORGET TO PUT THE FOOD BACK, THANKS

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I'd like to meet:

How to make a PAIGE
5 parts intelligence
3 parts self-sufficiency
5 parts
Combine in a tall glass half filled with crushed ice. Serve with a slice of lustfulness and a pinch of salt. Yum!

Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.comI like meeting people, just about anyone really. I love being around people who make me laugh. I try to have a positive attitude about every situation. I am very fortunate to say I have a lot of friends, and even more fortunate to be able to say I have that small pick of best friends. I guess as far as meeting "new to me" people goes; I would have enjoyed meeting Edgar Allan Poe. I personally think he was high, but a very deep thinker.***************Relationship-wise; well, Its like this, I am independant. I enjoy achieving goals that I set for myself. My search is for someone who has similar goals in life. That someone will be family oriented and have the simple desire for security. One of my most strongest beliefs of parenting to teaching my children to make the best decisions, If I have done this, with wisdom they will be blessed. Now, back to this independance thing, I am fed up with being a sugar-momma. I dont want someone to work for me, just with me. If I met someone who was as strong willed and determined as myself, there would be no end to the possibillties. My name is Paige--I can--and I will.


I have really enjoyed some great local talent at OLD TOWN TAVERN in Sheffield. My favorite bands that I have seen so far have been SAVING ABEL, ROWE, NEW ATLAS SOUND, and ofcourse THE MICHAEL LEDBETTER BAND. They were awesome. I enjoy anything that ROCKS! About 3 or 4 years ago when I was in college to become a lab tech, I bought some Kenny Chesney CD's. Those CD's had to be the cheapest therapy that exists! I can still listen to them and not get tired of it. I like my Tom Petty, Sugarland, The Eagles, CCR, and Nirvana CD's too.I am a fan of Southern rock and stuff from the 70's. It reminds me of when I was little and life was fun and innocent. Occasionally, I will listen to Puddle of Mud, Godsmack, System of a Down, and stuff like that. This area is very rich in local talent, and I love it! Listened to Drive By Truckers? They are from around here. They talk about spending the night in the Colbert county jail, jumping off the Wilson Damn, and running from tornados 5 miles north of Russellville. Can you relate to any of that?


As far as movies go, I mostly like action and mystery. I can't stand "chick flicks". They always have predictable endings and when you leave the theater, the reality of how dull life can be at times, is depressing.


I don't watch much T.V., but I really hate reality shows. I have watched CSI a few times. The kids love cartoon network, ofcourse. I think Fosters home for imaginary friends is cute. I listen to CMT when I am cleaning.


I dont read many books unless its an assignment!! However, I think I will write one someday and it will be a best seller, I Promise!!!! I do enjoy reading to the kids. Their favorite book is The Adventures of Captian Underpants. That book is so silly.


My heroes have to be my kids. I would do anything for them. I do miss my grandfather who past in 2001. He was and is a hero to anyone who knew him. In loving memeory ***CALVIN COTTRELL*** 9-20-2001 (^~*~^)By land, By air, or by sea, THANK_YOU troops for protecting me!!~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Do you realize that if you had an emergency RIGHT NOW--exactly how many people are standing by to respond to your call of help?(911, fire-rescue, police, ambulance, dr, nurses, allied health, neighbor, ect.) Pray for these people, Thank these people.