May everyone be happy and safe, and may their hearts be filled with joy. May all living beings live in Security and in Peace-- beings who are frail or strong, tall or short, big or small, visible or not visible, near or far away, already born or yet to be born. may all of them dwell in perfect tranquility. Let no one do harm to anyone. Let no one put the life of anyone in danger. Let no one, out of anger or ill will,wish anyone any harm. The Wiccan Rede An It Harm None, Do As Thou Wilt. This is the fundamental ethical guideline of the neo-Pagan Wiccan movement founded by Gerald Gardner in the mid 1950's which has also been embraced by many Pagans as well. The Wiccan Rede is a benevolent moral code interpreted to mean, "Do whatever you wish as long as it harms no one."It prevents Witches and Wiccans from harming themselves or others by either their actions or their inactions. Freedom of choice allows each individual to follow their own inner guidance on how to best live their life while maintaining harmony with the connectivity of all things; yet, also holds them personally accountable for both their actions and their inactions during their pursuit of spiritual transformation.Threefold Law states that All that one does returns three times over in the same lifetime. If you do a good deed for another, three times that good will manifest as blessings in your life. Likewise, if you harm another, three times that harm will manifest as misfortunes in your life. May the Spirit Circle All Ways Be Open Flowing with Goodness and Freedom Wings Ever Full with Wisdom Words Ever Spoken With the Joyfulness Rainbow Unity Sings May the Peace of the Goddess and God Beat Evermore in Your Heart Merry Meet and Merry Part and Merry Meet Once Again! I'm a huge horror fan and I would LOVE to star in a horror movie! - even a cheesy one. lol Im married to the man of dreams, cliched, but oh so true! We were married on Saturday, May 12th 2007. I am mommy to a 3 year old mini-daschund, Annie. I love her to death and she will forever be my first daughter. I am a Diet Pepsi and Cappuccino junkie!!! Im also a make-up junkie - I never leave the house without wearing SOME sort of beauty product on myface. I read just about every day, I average about 2 books a month (sometimes 3 depending on the length). Im also on the internet every day...mostly on myspace and pogo.com...awesome site - very addicting!!!! I can be pretty stubborn and like to do things my way, which, I admit, can be my downfall. I tend to want things and want them now. The hardest thing in the world to do is to stay in the moment. I think SO many people spend way more time than they should on thinking about the past and wanting the things that await you in the future. Both of which take you away from the wonderful experiences you are happening in the present, and only when they are gone, do you truly stop to appreciate and alot of times, miss them.I used to powerlift. I was squatting and deadlifting 200 lbs and benching 135 at a body weight of 117 pounds. I sprained my back around 3 years ago while training for the NY State Championships and that was the end of my powerlifting career. I tried to resume my lifting after my injury but I was in CONSTANT pain and decided it just wasn't worth it. I still miss it a great deal but I have had to find other positive things to do to fill that gaping hole, such as spending much more time with my husband and with my friends. Being a competitive powerlifter, I was also missing out on ALOT of time between my fiancee and I, family events, parties, bbq's, etc. Not to mention that the diet was driving me NUTS!! 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight every day, X amount of protein, must weigh X pounds, etc. I found myself going down that dangerous path that I had visited once before and swore to NEVER visit again. So in the end, I decided to end powerlifting. Nothing is more important in life than health, happiness and ALOT of laughter!!!
.I'm really an introverted person but I love good people and great company. I am, however, getting a little better at this extroverted business. I don't really have much choice, my fiancee has like 50 friends. lol I'm also a very giddy person, with a contagious laugh. I'm a bit of a spaz but that just adds to my charm. ;-)
UK Parenting AdviceI also have a 3 year old Netherland Dwarf Rabbit named Shadow. She's all gray and weighs about 2 or 3 pounds. She's a shy little one and is such a nervous nellie, always running into her little house and hiding from people. She's also a sweetie and when you pick her up she just turns to mush in your hands.