Les Grands Nichons profile picture

Les Grands Nichons

About Me

Les Grands Nichons started off as a simple band with a drummer named Can, and indian named sean, a white boy named chris, and two seperatists named pierrick and dave. After learning some catchy ska songs, Les Grands Nichons were up and running, but after a tragic move to turkey, Can was gone and needed to be replaced by two lesser beings. Dave was not crazy about these two new members and after another show promptly quit the band. A new seperatist was added as well, his name was ben. After their third show however, a strange french girl named cleyow was adopted into the band, completing the current line-up and making the english to french ratio 4:3. So watch out, Les Grands Nichons are on the loose and ready to violate every fiber of your body through their shitty music and pathetic attempts at entertaining you and your families.--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------Les Grands Nichons ont commencé comme un simple groupe de fédéralistes avec un drummer appelé Can, un indien nommé Sean, un anglais nommé Crisse. Jumelé a ses personnes étaient 2 patriotes québécois du nom de Pierrick et Dave. Après avoir appris des chansons ska qui restent dans la tête, les Grands Nichons étaient en route vers la gloire mais tout était trop beau pour être vrai. Après le départ tragique de Can pour la Turquie, le band dû les remplacer par 2 personnes moins importantes ANGLAISES (encore!) du nom de Evan et Mike. Moins qu'enchanté, Dave quitta le groupe pour poursuivre sa carrière ailleurs. Un nouveau patriote du nom de Ben joignit le band. Après leur 3e show ensemble, une séparatiste originale du nom de Cléo sajouta au groupe amenant le ratio anglais et français 4:3. Faites attention car les Grands Nichons sont près a violer toutes les fibres de votre corps avec leur musique plutôt moche et leurs pathétiques essais pour vous divertir, vous et votre famille!!..

My Interests


Member Since: 27/07/2006
Band Members: (In Chronological Order, Dans L'Ordre Chronologique)
Pierrick - Guitar
Chris - Sax
Sean - Bass
Can - Drums, Lead Vocals (RIP)
Dave - Keyboards (RIP)
Mike - Vocals
Ben - Sax
Evan - Drums (RIP)
Cleyow - Trompette
Dave - Drums
Ben - Sax (RIP)
Andrew - Sax

Influences: Catch 22, Streetlight Manifesto, Bruce Springsteen, Big D and the Kid's table, BOTAR and anything of that sort....
Sounds Like: The biggest sexiest pickles you've ever heard play music
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

It's been a year...

Since Chris, Sean, Dave, Can (rip) and I started this band known as Les Grands Nichons!  Happy birthday us.  It all started on april 21st.  We almost died two times, but we're good now,...
Posted by on Sat, 21 Apr 2007 14:59:00 GMT

Il fait froid: l'histoire de le enregistrement de les grands nichons blah blah

C'est froidon enregistreje suis tristepourqoi cleyowpaske jai manger un pourri rainbowcomme des lucky charms?oui sean, comme des lucky charms:Dchris veut me couper!!jai peut yer telemnt retarder!!oops...
Posted by on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 15:18:00 GMT


On mange des quesadillas chez Chris et on est en train denregistrer. Il y aura nos nouvelles vhansons(avec un c) bientot sur notre my space.TRaduction par les trAductionneuRsS(eS)We are eating mexican...
Posted by on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 14:55:00 GMT


So our ex-keyboard player Dave is now our drummer and its sounding pretty fucking sweet so next time you see us be sure to give him a warm welcome We're gonna start recording in a couple weeks with Ma...
Posted by on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 00:55:00 GMT

Numero Uno

So yes LGN, show 22nd club lambi, including the same LGN ritual of never plying a show with the same line up... We currently have like half an original so were not gonna record, so stop asking to put ...
Posted by on Mon, 14 Aug 2006 09:16:00 GMT