‘Solid Core’ was informally born in 2006 from the pressure of advanced media interaction, fast changing society, uncertain love and so on around human beings facing in everyday life. Most of the pressure causes problems and brings us gradually down to the pessimistic point of view towards the environment. However, human being’s mind is the controller. It is believed that only the tense of our mind can be released and expressed out with the hard and tough music. Metal music reflects our emotion. It can tell what is going on in our heart from the genius metal music players. Heavy with time to time sweet mixing rhythm represents the uniqueness of the genuine metal music taste. Four members of the ‘Solid Core’ band share the fun of hard metal music, the dream of rockers.
‘Gift’, the original establisher and guitar player of the band, with ‘OfF’, the dead buddy and base player ready to die for metal music have shaked hands to create their own metal band. They asked ‘Bas’, buddy music player from ‘Opportunity’ band to jam the dammed metal music. Fortunately, ‘Solid Core’ has become stronger and stronger since it has ‘Thug’, from the same high school, to empower the band with his metal voice. And later, ‘Aey’ discovered to be good at metal drum joined the band. To big brother “Gu†of Gu Club Underground in Chiangmai, Solid Core has proposed themselves as a new metal band and a part of metal groups help release anyone from tense emotionHere is the debut EP.from us. Check it out on Oct10,2007
or go to www.dayone-records.com