JIMMY FRAME profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Iam NOW 23 (gettin auld) ive lived in east kilbride and my mates always goin on bout this place so here iam. I like music, hanging out with my mates, I even attempt to play football sumtimes (BADLY). Iam kinda movin round jobs just now but livin outside glagow with no car means the good jobs are to far away. I like nothin better than chillin out n havin a good time although my mates cringe sumtimes when ive had a few to many. Got myself a LADY now some1 daft enough to put up with me.

Myspace Layouts by Pimp-My-Profile.com

My Interests

like i said music socialising the occasionally movie/dvd and just havin good times

I'd like to meet:

Any1 whos up for a laugh and not up themselves, dont mind bout interests coz people are all differernt and thats what makes them interestin.


got everythin from red hots to eminem bon jovi even went to see the legend that is clapton LOVED it. like snow patrol stereophonics first 3 albums before they became 'SUPERSTARS'. I Do like a bit of dance music but as my manager would say its commercial pish i like.


BRAVEHEART every scotsman should have it also phsyco platoon the first matrix,Goodfellas, The Shawshank redemption and adam sandler movies, also trainspotting, 9 songs (its a crap movie but great concept of rock/porn)


HATE HATE HATE big brother love House coz its funny seein hugh laurie n that guy fae neighbours 2gether. My sis got me the Rab C Nesbit dvd collection and ive been fallin over laughing ever since Love It.


dnt read i wait for the film WOW work is so borin ive actually started readin GEORGE ORWELL, so much of his shit is happenin its scary.


LEGENDS and any1 of that status