Marnie profile picture


Extra salt on the chips please!

About Me

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Well, this is where I tell you about myself and try to make myself sound way more interesting than I actually am. Hang on..... mmmm... nope I got nuthin! Ok, ok, here goes... I’m confident, funny, happy, healthy, and always try to catch a glimpse of that silver lining people always talk about – you know, the glass half full kinda stuff. I’m told my energy is contagious, but so was that nasty rash I had last Summer and that didn’t win me any friends! Hahaaaa – see I told you I was funny. Modest too I’m told :o) I keep fairly active and try to exercise 3-5 times a week, whether it be just going for a walk/jog, or going to the gym. Sometimes, time and energy just doesn’t allow for it, so you can find me taking an afternoon kip on the couch on occasions. Oooh, I love the kip. You know Australia really should adopt the siesta concept. Sure there’d be plenty of people waking up with pillow hair & drool on their faces BUT they’d be happy! The reason I think I love the kip, is coz I'm don't or can't sleep in, in the mornings! I’m awake early most days for work, and on the weekends I just can’t seem to break out of that habit – and I don’t like to waste my days by staying in bed, unless it’s with someone else. Only then is the day worth wasting!!

My Interests

Ok, I work two jobs at the moment, so although I have many different interests, after eating, sleeping and exercise there is little time/energy to get into too much. Exercising is kinda an interest as well as a health & fitness thing. I really love a nice brisk walk if I’m not feeling up to a big workout. I enjoy going to the movies or staying in to watch a dvd. I like to read when I’m in the right mind space. I have a short attention span, so I can’t really sit still and read for too long unless the book is totally captivating (even watching a movie can be a struggle at times). In Summer, I absolutely love going to the beach (unless it’s over 35 degrees, then it’s just too hot to do anything). I’m a huge fan of dancing. I love love love to dance!!! I love watching all kinds of dance too – anything from hip hop to latin to belly dancing. It’s interesting and sometimes so intense, to see how some people can express themselves thru dance. I enjoy cooking, but not so much when it’s just me. I enjoy it most when I have someone to cook for (family, friend or partner). That’s when my culinary skills are best displayed. My favourite food to cook would be rack of lamb with garlic & rosemary and roast baby potatoes, pumpkin and my “special” vegie mix…maybe that’s my favourite thing to eat too! Although my pasta sauces are pretty damn good, I am a massive fan of the Fettecine Cabonara at Loinel’s in St Kilda. Best ever! I love hanging out with my friends, watching our favourite weekly tv show instalments. Grey’s Anatomy, House & Thank God You’re Here are pretty much the only shows I can’t miss – and if I do, I’m just not the same til the next episode comes around.

I'd like to meet:

Eminem, Robbie Williams, Seth Green, Jim Carey, Dean Koontz.Hmmmm, a "happy medium" guy would be nice, but does such a guy exist? In terms of meeting a partner, I just want someone that makes me deliriously happy & vise versa - effortlessly.


House, Trance, Breaks – stuff that I can dance to. I like a bit of the Pop I hear on the radio. Not into anything too heavy, but I don’t mind some stuff from Metalica. I love Hip Hop and Rap (thanks to the influences of Ricky who was a mad Hilltop Hoods fan). Eminem is a long time favourite, as is Robbie (went to his concert when he was here in Melb, thank you very much!) Williams. But at the other end of the scale, I like Michael Buble and some classical tunes here and there. I grew up with Elvis and just can’t seem to stop myself from singing along to anything I hear of his. Michael Jackson is awesome - a genuis, although a little kooky – we won’t go there… Most genius' were crazy mofo's anyway!


Sooooo many movies, so little memory. 8 Mile, Last Boy Scout, Bad Boys, Girl Interupted, Stand By Me, School of Rock, Can't Harldy Wait, Encino Man, Requium for a Dream (that really freaked me out). Love Acutally, The Green Mile, Forest Gump, Face Off... soooo many more...


Grey’s Anatomy, House, Criminal Intent, Thank God You’re Here, Whose Line Is It Anyway? , 60 Minutes, Seinfeld, The Simpsons, Family Guy...


Illitteruts for Dummies is a exelent reed... heheee But seriously folks, anything by Dean Koontz is what you'll catch me trying to read :p


My sister Lisa and my brother Dan.