Michael Moore, Meryl Streepe, Jodi Foster, Bill Clinton, John Kerry (to smack him, and then thank him for not running again), Michael Jordan, D-Wade,Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama
John Lennon
(Do you ever wonder if JFK, MLK and JL were still alive the world would be a tremendously different place?), George Harrison, and of course the people in the Sonic commercials ("This union shall not be!").
As far as realistically speaking, I just like people I can feel comfortable with, share my politics, and can speak intelligently about things. I don't want to meet people who are empty headed or voted for GW (who by the way tried to bounce a flat basketball the Heat presented him yesterday....ooooo he is so smrt. S-M-R-T!)
I also would like to meet people who enjoy a good round of Cranium as a change of pace of going out.