We are Lazarus. We consist of 4 wretched members all who were summoned by the darkest depths of the abyss and spat out of hell and into musical sin. Lee Mendez, a descendent of the Goat of Mendez, part demon part man will trap you in his wretched spells spewed forth from this dark beast and then rip you to pieces with his deadly rhythm guitar. Jeremy, once a respected member of the church, finally decided god was dead and hung himself for satan, now a putrid living corpse will rip out your eardrums with his gory piercing solos on lead guitar. Jay Poellnitz was born from the flames of hell itself, he appeares in your dreams and hides in the shadows stalking his prey, make no mistake, there is no escaping his nightmarish 5-stringed bass, his ability to summon earthquakes and lightning is far beyond that of the gods. Reed Olson, an old viking warrior, sailed across the blackest of seas from Norway raping and destroying everything in his path, this barbarian was a perfect match for the bloody disgust of Lazarus, his drum skins are made from the skin of dead christians which he killed with a sledge hammer. Then J died and Andrew stepped in to bone your mom.
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