Socialising-Making Friends,Going out-Raving/Partying, Eating, Watching Television/Movies, Shopping, Listening to Music-quite a lot of interests to mention take it this way-am all for having fun!!!!!!
I would like to meet people that are real on here. These people must have the ability to know how to be completely real with themselves as well as with reeeaaaal people, friends and more reeeaaaal people, am all real so peeps that want to know or talk to me have to be reeeaaaaal too......don't get offended just check yourself and make sure you are reeeaaaal or else you will get deleted, straight to the recycle bin!!!Don't just look at my pictures and think yeah, add request......big mistake. You get accepted for a reason and deleted for think first before you click add to friends.
M Mystical
I Innocent
S Sweet
S Sweet
M Mystical
A Artistic
D Daring
Get Your Own Name Acronym
Do you snore while you're sleeping? Hell No......I am a very peaceful sleeper
How many pillows do you use? 4
How do you sleep? Side? Back? Stomach? My side in a foetal positon, covered from head to toe. Even during all four seasons!!
How comfortable is your mattress? Ooooh very comfortable, I could marry my bed-LOL!!!!
How long does it usually take you to fall asleep? Errrrrrrm not long I guess, I just snooze off
Do you fall asleep in front of the TV? All the friends call me Miss Dropsy, because I also fall asleep on the phone!!
How many times (if any) do you wake up in the middle of the night? None if I can help it.....the little girl's room has to wait till morning
What kind of bed do you have? Am nearly 6ft, King Size mos feet need to be in the bed too-LOL!!!!
Have you ever fallen off the bed while you were sleeping? Hell No, am not a drunk or a baby!!!
How close is the alarm clock to your bed? Trust me veeeerrrrry close
How many times do you hit the snooze button when your alarm goes off? Sssshhhhhh.....errrrrrrm......I don't do that. Well maybe 10 times-LOL!!!
What's the first thing you think of when you open your eyes? Oh daaaaaammmn I have to wake up again
Have you ever had the infamous 'falling' dream? Yeeeeaaaaaaaah......
Have you ever had a nightmare so bad it woke you up and you couldn't get back to sleep? Many times but not after watching a horror film though
Do you need any medication to help you get to sleep? What?? Look I don't need help in that department......I am not called Miss Drospy for nothing!!!
Do you count sheep? (hey, some people do it) Noooooooo
Do you like your mattress soft or hard? Got to be FIRM and not noisy!!!
Do you roll around a lot in bed or do you normally sleep in one spot the whole time? No I sleep like a corpse, no movement in one spot the whole time
Ever listen to music to fall asleep? Not really, only when am trying to be lime!!!
What's the weirdest place you've ever fallen asleep? A friend's house at the dinner table (it wasn't the food), I admit I have issues!!
What's the longest amount of time you've gone without sleep? 3 days
Have you ever fallen asleep in school or at work? Both and all the time. I recently fell asleep at work on the phone to a Social Worker and blamed it on a bad line-LOL!!!
How about in the car? I try not to, especially if someone else is driving
Is this survey putting you to sleep? No, you would have to try very very very hard!!
Do you still take naps? No, I just fall asleep anywhere and not planned
At what times? Anytime
Do you wish you could go back to having naps at work/school like you did in preschool? Yeeeeesssssssssss
Are you going to sleep now that this survey's over? No
Hip-Pop, R&B, Bashment, Reggae, Nu soul,Funky and Soulful House and Smooth Jazz..
Book of Love: The Definitive Reason Why Men Are Dogs, Baby Boy, Marked for death, Boyz n Da Hood, Romeo must Die, Colour Purple, Roots, Poetic Justice, Ruby Bridges, Holiday Heart, Diary of A Mad Black Woman-loads more to mention-have you got time?!
CSI, Prison Break, Law and Order, Lost, Murder she wrote, Columbo, Holby City, The Bill-not much on telly these days!!!
They take too long, so I cheat and watch the movie instead (if they make one). Give me a magazine any day!!!!
Where can I start from!!! Mainly people who have the courage to stand up for what they believe in.......Do I have to tell you them-surely you should know some!!!!