bec-uhh dot com
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Here's the deal:
I've been alot of places and done alot of things. I'm hard to impress. I like mixed drinks. I drink expensive beer. I like magic tricks. I like good tippers. I also enjoy pop rocks. They are the best candy. I've been skydiving. Yes, it was fun. Yes, I would do it again. I know more about Saturday Night Live than you can ever imagine. I like diet soda, and Hardee's milk shakes. I still consider blue M&M's to be new. I'm not as cocky as I sound. I'm an ass-grabber. I love click pens. I'm really crazy about spelling. I am sometimes referred to as SuperSpellCheckaBecca because I always know how to spell it. Ask me. I'll tell you. Alot of people call me Shmecca. I like it. I collect $1 poker chips from casino hotels. I always check the reject bin at the tolls. I always wanted to go through the elastic jungle on global guts. I organize handfuls of multi-colored candy by color before I eat them. I like when it's time to buy girl scout cookies. I have A LOT of DVD's. I like every kind of music you can imagine. Most of the time, I take more electronics on trips than clothes. I'm a Mac and and a PC. It took me four and a half years to graduate college so I'm just a little bit smarter than those four year graduates. I like reading books and learning more than the normal person. Oh, and I majored in broadcast journalism. I don't really want to do the local news. I don't really want to write for a newspaper. I like intelligent conversations. I talk alot when I'm nervous. I like Gucci Rush perfume, and I straighten my hair alot. I like wearing Ugg boots. I like wearing flip flops. I'm highly pessimistic, I'm highly sarcastic, and I'm highly cynical. My mouth has the tendency to get me in trouble. I have no patience but I'm a waitress which means I have to be patient all night. I laugh in the face of danger. I work in radio. I work in two restaurants but I usually leave work hungry. I love my jobs but I complain alot. I'm painfully busy the majority of the time but I love it. I play board games. I like puzzles. Little kids are still fun to hang out with. I have a real job, but I still like to babysit. I enjoy classical music. I should have learned to play an instrument. I have a favorite band every month. If you burn me a CD, I'll love every song. I really like the muppets. I eat out more than I eat in. I like to buy watches, purses, DVDs, and magazines. I am a consumer and label whore. I like attention. I'm really good at finding sales. I'll do anything for a deal, money, or generally just to make someone laugh. I'm a people pleaser and I want everyone to like me. I come across as obnoxious but its a front until I get comfortable. I take my camera everywhere. Obviously, I like writing about myself.