I'd like to meet:
Get to Know Me
...About You...
Eye Color Brown
Hair Color Reddish Brown
Height 5'8"
Favorite Color Pink
Screen Name Zoey
Favorite Band All of them
Favorite Movie Dead Poet's Society
Favorite TV Show Right now it's Heroes
Your Car 2001 Lincoln LS
Your Hometown Moved around alot, Toronto would be the longest
Your Present Town Toronto!
Your Crush's First Name If I tell you I'll have to kill you
Your Grade ummm... always been a good student
Your Style Unique just like everyone else
...Have You Ever...
Sat on your rooftop Yes, so soothing
Kissed someone in the rain of course
Danced in a public place yes
Smiled for no reason always
Laughed so hard you cried who hasn't?
Peed your pants after age 8 no
Written a song do poems count?
Sang to someone for no reason I don't sing, at least not in front of others
Performed on a stage karaoke, does that count?
Talked to someone you don't know yes
Made out in a theater yes
Gone roller skating since 8th grade recently, I have the bruises to prove it!
Been in love yes
...Can You...
Write with both hands used to be able to
Whistle yes
Blow a bubble yes
Roll your tongue yes
Cross your eyes yes
Touch your tongue to your nose nope
Dance sort of
Speak a different language yes
Impersonate someone yes
Cook anything yes, I cook quite well
...Finish The Line...
If I were a ... a superhero, I would want to be superman
I wish ... everyone would notice how fast life is passing by and would take a moment everyday to savour something(or someone) they love
So many people don't know ... that I can get down and dirty and still kick ass!
I am ... easily addicted to anything!
My heart is ... always open and everyone is welcome!
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