⋅ life
⋅ my family
⋅ my friends
⋅ my dogs
⋅ socks
⋅ beer
⋅ sushi
⋅ Nintendo Wii
⋅ Sacramento Kings
⋅ Oakland A's
⋅ San Francisco 49ers
Can do without...
⋅ lies
⋅ soda
⋅ chocolate
⋅ traffic
⋅ junk mail
⋅ Monday mornings
The good, the bad , and the ugly .
⋅ A Tribe Called Quest
⋅ The Academy Is...
⋅ Arcade Fire
⋅ Arctic Monkeys
⋅ Atmosphere
⋅ Beastie Boys
⋅ Beck
⋅ Ben Kweller
⋅ Bloc Party
⋅ Bright Eyes
⋅ Cartel
⋅ Coconut Records
⋅ Coldplay
⋅ Common
⋅ Consequence
⋅ The Cure
⋅ Dashboard Confessional
⋅ Death Cab For Cutie
⋅ Dilated Peoples
⋅ The Early November
⋅ Editors
⋅ Felt
⋅ The Flaming Lips
⋅ The Format
⋅ Franz Ferdinand
⋅ The Get Up Kids
⋅ Gnarls Barkley
⋅ Gorillaz
⋅ Head Automatica
⋅ Hellogoodbye
⋅ The Hives
⋅ Hot Hot Heat
⋅ Jack's Mannequin
⋅ Jay-Z
⋅ Jimmy Eat World
⋅ John Legend
⋅ Justin Timberlake
⋅ Kaiser Chiefs
⋅ Kanye West
⋅ Keane
⋅ The Killers
⋅ Lauryn Hill
⋅ Little Brother
⋅ Living Legends
⋅ Marvin Gaye
⋅ MC Lars
⋅ Michael Jackson
⋅ Modest Mouse
⋅ Mos Def
⋅ Motion City Soundtrack
⋅ Murs
⋅ Muse
⋅ Nas
⋅ New Found Glory
⋅ Nightmare Of You
⋅ The Notorious B.I.G.
⋅ Ok Go
⋅ Outkast
⋅ Person L
⋅ Pete Bjorn & John
⋅ Phantom Planet
⋅ The Postal Service
⋅ R.E.M.
⋅ Rhymefest
⋅ Robin Thicke
⋅ The Roots
⋅ Saves The Day
⋅ Say Anything
⋅ The Shins
⋅ Silversun Pickups
⋅ Smashing Pumpkins
⋅ Snow Patrol
⋅ Soul Position
⋅ The Starting Line
⋅ Stevie Wonder
⋅ The Strokes
⋅ Taking Back Sunday
⋅ Talib Kweli
⋅ Tokyo Police Club
⋅ The Used
⋅ Usher
⋅ We Are Scientists
⋅ Weezer
⋅ Arrested Development
⋅ Entourage
⋅ Family Guy
⋅ Heroes
⋅ The O.C.
⋅ Seinfeld
⋅ The Simpsons
⋅ SportsCenter
The work of...
⋅ Paulo Coelho
⋅ Bret Easton Ellis
⋅ Chuck Palahniuk
⋅ J.K. Rowling
⋅ Hubert Selby, Jr.
Ari Gold