Running. Been doin' alot of running since my wife signed us up for two Half-Marathons. I like to spend time with my wife, fishing (though I don't do it often), hanging out with friends, reading, and writing.
I'm pretty content with who I already know. I like meeting new people, but there's no one I hope to meet besides God...which I'm working hard to make happen.
I listen to the radio, but Bill Bennett, Glenn Beck, and Rush Limbaugh don't sing very well.
"Holiday Whosie Whattie?" The Grinch.
Fox News, baby!...and Scrubs.
Just got a new John Stossel book...always interesting. Also borrowing a John Meachem Book from my buddy Tim. We'll later debate the separation of church and state (he's such a lib).
Christ! - as in God turned man. Not an explicative used to show frustration at being asked who my hero is.