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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Free MySpace Layouts padding:I am a 36 yr old bi female in Las Vegas, Nevada. I am married to a wonderful man of 16 yrs. The only MAN I need is already with me so sorry guys, I am only interested in meeting women, esp. other women with like interest. I am pagan and am very happy in my ways. At this time I am a solitary practioner and often gravitate towards others at peace, looking for peace, ect...
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I am a photographer and handle modeling shots as well as nudes, bou doir, bathing suit, adult theme (including the "passionate" poses to BDSM shots)ect ...and nature to weather, wildlife, pets, sports, parties, weddings,families, ect. I have been a photographer for over 15 years. I dealt with nature and weather at the beginning, specializing in lightening. However after going back to school a few years ago I spread expanded my venue towards portraits and nudes and then it took off from there. I was able to be taught by one of the best nude photographers here, Ms Edie Chiarappa, where I soon saw the beauty of capturing a woman's form. I have albums on this page: however, in my blog "From Earth" you will find links to my main album sites, from professional to play...I handle not only location shots but onsite shots as well. My rates depend on the type of shots needed but you will find them very reasonable. So if you need professional or personal shots please send me a message with any questions, or feel free to email for more information at [email protected].

I am also wiccan and a practioner of the craft. Unlike what most think of this belief, it is in no way satanic or involved therein....I enjoy going into the mountains to find subjects so I spend a lot of time camping. Wicca is a large part of my life, and even plays a roll in the photos I take. For those who do not really know what Wicca is then I'll try to explain what it is for me.......It is the belief in the God and Goddess and that life comes from the earth. The earth can provide all that is needed to survive. But, it must be remembered that what is taken should be replaced. It is important to take care of the earth, if she dies, we die! Within the wiccan belief are rituals and celebrations design to thank the God and Goddess and the elements for all the gifts they give. These celebrations are usually celebrated with laughter, food and much festivity. Some of us practice magick, which is basically working with energy to bring about a desired result. But in working with positive magick we keep in mind "Harm none, do as we will" and " Threefold Law". Wicca is a celebration of life and the cycle of seasons. Wicca is about respecting and living in harmony with all living things. It is a branch of paganism, which dates long before organised religion is thought of. It is not anti-Christian but it does not see just a God who is distance and angry, rather, we see a God and Goddess who is all around. Also, involved is astrology, the elements, candles, herbs, inscense, ect.......

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Demystifying Paganism

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..I am also a sub within the BD/SM lifestyle, however, to fully understand what this means or rather, what it means to me....please read my Lifestyle blog...I look on one as my path and the other as a lifestyle choice that fits my disposition and personality....I also am a Prelaw student at UNLV...with a minor in Forensics (which I love). I have 2 years left and then on to Law School. At this time I have a 3.7 GPA and am fairly happy with that as it isn't as easy to be in school as it was at

My Interests

I enjoy camping, hiking, dirtbikes and other atv's, meditating, yoga, horticulture, candle making, astrology, supernatural... and of course my wiccan ways. Also a big part of my life is our baby, our chopper..there is nothing like a ride to get rid of any negativity...our baby


I'd like to meet:

Other wiccan and pagans and practioner of the craft and those learning about these beliefs, as well as, those in the Lifestyle, photographers, campers, bikers, moms, wives, bisexual women, college and law students, ect...anyone that would rather advoid drama then wallow in it..Sorry guys, but as I said...I am only interested in meeting women...


I have a large range of musical interest..from enya, Madonna, Charlie Daniels, Vanessa Mae, Sarah Mclachlan, Janis Joplin, Queen, Trace Atkins, Johnny Cash, Pink Flyod, AC/DC, Sarah Brightman, Macy Grey, Eminem, Kid Rock, Afroman, Beethoven, Mozart, Yanni, Elvis, Journey, Stevie Nicks, Ozzy, Sha Na Na, Leslie Gore, Rob Zombie, name it....


All of the Harry Potter's, all of the Lethal Weapon's, all the Die Hard's, Finding Nemo,Sleepless in Seattle, You Have Mail, Ratatoui, both of The Mummy's, 9 1/2 Weeks, White Christmas, Open Range, Grease, Fifth Element, The King and I (Yule Brenner), all the Aliens, Creature, Nardia, all the Lord of the Rings, Ferngully, Ms. Doubtfire, Reign of Fire, Hellboy, Santa Claus, Day After Tomorrow, Independance Day, School of Rock, Friday, Walking Tall, History of the World pt I & II, all the Porky's, Animal House........harry potter trailer

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Find out your Harry Potter personality at LiquidGeneration!


Trading Spouses, Crossing Jordan, all the Law and Orders, all the CSI's, Reba, Everybody Loves Raymond, George Lopez, Wife Swap, King of Queens, Still Standing, Two and a Half Men, King of Queens, Ice Road Truckers, Miami Ink, Dog Whisper, Myth Busters, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (reruns), Charmed (reruns), ect....


All the Harry Potter's, all the Carpathian Dark series by Christine Feehan, all the in Death series by J.D. Robb (aka Nora Roberts), Scarlet Letter, Wiccan Candle Magick, all of Steven King's work ( I have every book in 1st Edition including the Dark Tower hardcover Limited Ed., which is still wrapped in cellaphane), Ann Rule's work, Ann Rice (esp. the Sleeping Beauty series), Clan of the Cave Bear series, Nora Roberts Sister's triology, Beowulf, mythological, astrology and of couse law books of all types......Below are slideshows of some of my photos that can be seen in the albums under pics...



My heros that are near me would have to be both my father and my husband. They represent strength, honor, truth and the drive to work hard for the very best for themselves and their loved ones....

My Blog

"The Strangers" I could cry!

Ok...The movie 'The Strangers" is really really bad.  I love movies...the huge screen, booming sound...not to mention the smell of popcorn, hotdogs...and then with the dark you can be as alone as...
Posted by earth on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 03:01:00 PST

Oh my poor poor house... I miss them. LOL we have talked each day and so far they have shopped and shopped and shopped! My mother has already decided to ship have their things home so they will not charge them at the ...
Posted by earth on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 10:24:00 PST

And I am alone

Well, they made it to Texas! We put them on the plan this morn and I talked to them after they landed and again just a bit ago. They sounded excited and I was happy to hear their It is b...
Posted by earth on Sun, 08 Jun 2008 07:46:00 PST

tomorrow is almost here

Well tomorrow is the day! My children leave for two months for a vacation in Texas. We have shipped clothes, instuments and only the goddess knows whatelse and their carry on bags are packed. Today we...
Posted by earth on Sat, 07 Jun 2008 11:03:00 PST

As they take flight the bonds only build...

Oh my goodness!!!! Summer is here, or at least as of tomorrow as the schools spew forth their charges one last time for the 07/08 school year.  lol I usually am very excited about summer but this...
Posted by earth on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 12:38:00 PST

Laughlin Bi Week or Bike Week?

WooHoo!!! It was a success! Laughlin River Run '08 was a real blast this year. We left out Thursday on the chopper and took our time going to Laughlin, making our way acrossed the dam thru Arizona com...
Posted by earth on Fri, 02 May 2008 04:52:00 PST

Laughlin River Run

Packing to head out on the chopper for Laughlin River Run! Oh boy!! I am prepared this year. Last year was my first time and boy was I not altogether. Did manage to get a room ...luckily because duh! ...
Posted by earth on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 04:14:00 PST

Photo Awards

Well, the Clark County Fair was a pretty good success I think. I entered several of my photos this year for the first time. I was so nervous. It is one thing to be hired to do a job or to shoot for pl...
Posted by earth on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 10:56:00 PST

Photography from Earth Please Read

..>..> ..> As most of you know who are on my page...I am a photographer and handle a very wide range. From....wildlife, nature and weather to weddings, parties, music, art and still life, nudes, boud...
Posted by earth on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 02:03:00 PST

Christmas & Adult Photos

Ok everyone...just wanted to let you know I am set up and ready to do Christmas photos. I can do family photos  all the way to deck the halls nude! I am able to do onsite or location, depending o...
Posted by earth on Sat, 24 Nov 2007 12:19:00 PST