plu profile picture


P.L.U. takes the world by storm.aRE you One oF uS?

About Me

P.L.U. takes the world by storm. P.L.U. should get what we deserve. P.L.U. loves like no other. P.L.U. till the end. -13-7-

My Interests

P.L.U. --- ya know wuT that is..aight!! haha....

I'd like to meet:

anYone whO wanTs friendS...inteLLigent conversations.. spOntaneous aCts.. and thosE who like to have f-u-n. *wink* ya'LL caN joiN us iF you thiNk uR P_L_U materiaL..=) iF uR noT sure what it meaNs..jusT message us..=) iF ya waNNa aDD us..gO's [email protected]..=)


kahiT anOng genrE baSta pLeasiNG pakiNgGan....oR anything seXy..*deVliSh smiLe* hehe..


sEx anD the city..mind oF a marRied maN..moNk..tiTus..alLy mcbeaL..Karen siscO..grounded fOr life.CSI..CSI:MIAMI...blahblahblah...


aNything oF edgaR cYce..paradiSe by toNi morrisOn..goSsip giRl seriES..shanghaI baBy..the huMan coMedy..thE aLchemist.. ggrR..andaMi!