Member Since: 7/26/2006
Influences: Influences,hmmmmmm.Man I've always listened to it all.With the exception being u count that time that I was a roofer and all the other guys were redmecks and that's all they played.Oh they were cool with me though)I was in band in school.I played drum at my pops church.Like most from where i'm from,I listened to the rock and the r&b stations growin up.Rock first until we got R&B on FM.Yeah back in the day alotta R&B was on AM and unless the antenna was in your back yard u couldn't pick it up.
Prince is the first artist that I can say truly stood out to me.Man every year around August,it was time for a new Prince album.I was influenced by every music that I heard,which in my case was a whole hell of alot.Music or women.....hmmmmmm ,I really gotta think on that one.Get it?
Sounds Like: Riding music.Chillin music.Music that makes you move.That kind.
Type of Label: None