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♥Ms. Chew♥

I know i been holding back but he really hurt me bad i dont wanna take my past and put it all on u i

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..Your score on this personality test was 55%

Others see you as fresh, lively, charming, amusing, practical, and always interesting; someone who's constantly in the center of attention, but sufficiently well-balanced not to let it go to their head. They also see you as kind, considerate, and understanding; someone who'll always cheer them up and help them out.

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Congratualtions! You are 48% ghetto

You definatley have ghetto tendancies, but you're probably refined enough to cover it up when needed.

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You are 83% Bittch!

I can't believe it! Your almost a full bittch! I know you just sit there and think of ways to be a bittch! How Pathetic is that! You must be awful lonely! Cruelty hurts! Bittch!

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::*Da BaSiCs*::
::FuLL nAmE:: Ruby Christine Chew
::AgE:: 16
::BiRtHPlAcE:: MH
::BiRtHdAii:: may 6
::CuRrEnt LoCAtIoN:: MH
::HAir CoLor:: pink purple blue white
::eYE cOlOR:: brown
::HeRiTaGe:: black & sum indian
::sIngLE/TaKEn: sigle
::SkOoL:: wchs
::bOYfRiEnD/gIRlfRieND:: boyfriend
::CrUSh:: yea
::nUmBEr Of Ex's:: 10
::pReFeReD tYpE::
::PrEfErED StYlE::
::lOnGeSt ReLaTiOnShIp:: 5months
::sHoRtEsT rElaTiOnsHiP:: a week
::BeStFrIEnd(s):: chaanine kenesha aeriel marlena julius nika
::LoNgESt FrIEnd:: chaanine
::NeWeSt FrIenD:: too many
::mOSt LoYaL:: chaanine
::SeXiEsT fRiEnd:: me
::mOSt TaLEntEd:: aeriel chaanine kenesha & marlena
::MosT dRamaTic:: none
::MosT lIkeLy To B fAmoUS:: nika julius(they can really sang good)
::*he OPpOsItE sEx*:
::hEigHT:: 5'8
::EYE cOlOR:: brown
::HAir CoLor:: black
::StYle:: name brand clothes
::WeiGhT:: 180
::PeRsOnaLiTy:: somebody i can get along with and have fun with
::FiRsT tHiNg YoO nOtICe::&..39;
::Turn OnS:: sexii nice smile & a good kisser
::TuRN oFFs:: ugly musty & dont have a life
::*ThIS Or ThaT*::
::cOkE oR pEpsI:: both
::McDOnalDs Or BuRGeR kInG:: mcdonalds cuz burger king is too expensive
::yAhOo Or ..: neither
::RaIn oR sNow:: both
::lAke Or OcEaN:: neither
::SodA Or JuICe:: both
::AdIDaS oR nIke:: neither cuz they out of style
::kIssEs Or HuGS:: both
::SuMmeR oR wIntEr:: summer
::hOoKUp Or ReLAtIoNShiP:: both
::ClUb Or PaRtY:: both
::tV oR rAdIo:: both
::RocK oR rAp:: rap
::WaLmaRt Or KmArT:: both
::*RaNdOm qUEsTiOns*::
::wHAtz Ya MiDdLE nAme:: Christine
::WhaT aRe Yoo lIStEniN tO RigHT nOW:: love like honey
::LasT pErSoN Who CaLLeD yOO:: chaanine
::LASt PeRsON yOo cAllEd:: my sister
::lasT pErSoN YoO HuggeD:: dont remember
::Do YoO mISS anYoNE rIgHt Now:: yea
::WhatZ yOuR fAv. FooD:: pasta
::DrInk Or SMoKE:: nope
::WeAr CoNTacTs/GlasSeS:: none
::FaV.mOnTH:: may thru aug. & nov. dec.
::WouLD yOO asK SuMWuN OuT:: nope
::pIerCiNGs:: yup
::pEtS:: nope
::RiGhTy OR lEfTy:: right
::wOUlD YoO tAke A bUlLEt fOR sUmwUN:: it depends
::FuTurE jOb:: model
::vIrGin-YeS/nO:: none of ur damn business
::KidS iN dA fUtUrE:: yea mayb
::NuMbEr Of PeOPLE kISSseD:: too many
::VaNilLA oR chOCoLAtE:: both
::eVeR bEeNIn LoVe:: yea
::dId ThEy KNo YoO LovEd Em:: yea
::pEacE oR fIGht For Your RighT:: both
::ArE yOo DOne With THi SurVeY:: hell yea
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ruby chew

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Posted by eMs. Chew♥ on Sun, 13 Aug 2006 11:42:00 PST