Of all the excuses served up in a dish of failure, my nephew Zachery Hosea Shropshire could have easily pushed away from the table of life and raised a glass to toast a destiny meant to hinder and claim him as defeated. Yet despite the hefty serving of impassable obstacles which has peppered your life you have displayed determination and defied a life of acceptance to circumstances. I CONGRATULATE you as you head toward a milestone in your journey of graduating in the Class of 2008. Strength is not always demonstrated in the might of a man but can be found in small focused motions which becomes an unstoppable force. You are the momentum within this family which has propelled us all to move beyond STANDING in the fork in the road. It's never going to be an easy road but you have shown you have the courage to travel the hard paths no matter the odds. Loving you for who you are, MY LIGHT.....