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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

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MySpace Generators Click Here for Free MySpace Layouts I love life. I'm honored that my spirit was allowed to journey this lifetime once again. I'm tryin my best to live right, on many levels, within my means. I move with the flow of love. I take good care of myself and my daughter. I care about what I put in my body because I believe that we are what we eat. I used to take that quote for granted. I just didn't understand until I started to read and investigate and get angry about government regulations regarding what we put into our bodies.(WHAT THE FUCK?). Did you know that 65% of americans are legally obese. That's a shame. So, what I'm trying to say is that what we eat is what we become we just look like humans but some of us are pigs,cows, fried chicken, monosodiumglutimate, dextrine, sulfur8, red3, yellow dye#4 etc. catch my drift. Me, I'm a carrot, broccoli, and asparagus, rice and beans, potatoes.... you follow? I care about what flows threw my blood stream. You should too. It's your body. It's your choice. You make it dew what it dew... I care so should you.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Friends of both gender who are like minded. No drama. I can't handle pretentious folk. They are poisonous to me. I need people around me who understand that our spirit is broader than our shell (outer appearance). No bling-bling. I don't care if you have the nice car, the phat bank account. Don't approach me with details of your mass material gains. I can read right thru that. I know that there is something that you're hidding from deep within'. So please be real with me. Be comfortable with me. I love the God-you. Don't hide behind it. Don't make the layer to thick to know thy self. OK? If you can stimulate my mind and soul with your intelligence and grace you are blingin baby.Shakespear said it best; " To thine self be true. Thou canst not then be false to any man." (or woman).

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