Yes, I have interests! Plenty of them as a matter of fact. Mostly I spend my time on the internet on a website called Pojo. Yes, Pojo! I'm a Pojo faggot, so you other faggots that say GTFOABTP shut the fuck up! You have your site and I have my own! Don't be teasing me, because he or she thinks it's cool to make fun of someone because they go to somewhere where he/she doesn't. Well, I like to play lots of video games! Yes, a woman on video games! Scary isn't it? Now don't go do anything stupid and try to stalk me, because I'm the girl of your dreams (only in your dreams). I love Anime and Manga (For all you uneducated morons Anime means Japanese Animation, if you can't figure out what country that is then your retarded and manga means a Japanese Graphic Novel, not like that perverts. Er, there are other things but get to know me better, and I will tell you a little bit more about myself.
I like to meet a lot of people actually (like most people here wouldn't), and yes this is a common answer but what the fuck you want me to say? "No I don't want to meet people here I just have a MySpace to whore on! ~does valley girl dance~ like oh my God! You're cute I must add you!" No that shit doesn't work here people. Really, I like to meet anyone that is willing to put up with me and my sorry ass attitude. Online and in real life I can/am a bitch unless said person knows me well enough. Mostly, I just want to meet bands I enjoy listening to (that are good celebrity star trash can go die in a fire), and GOOD actors. Not no sorry ass actors like Jessica Simpson who most boys just drool over because lets face it boys can't keep their dick in their pants and must fuck every girl that shows their boobs on TV.
What can I say? I'm addicted to fucking Japanese Rock (J-Rock). The language genre has style and great music. Plus visual kei was fucking great! Only country to come out with it and make it a huge success. Too bad the style has died down a lot, and it would be so awesome if it came back. Hm, I like American rock to but not as much as J-Rock. You'll see me listen to more of underground rock then anything (hard, screamo, metal, punk, alternative), because most rock now a days really suck when they go public.
Korean and Japanese movies are the best. Angsty Korean movies have a unique taste that you can't help but get hooked too. Still, Koreans make the best horror movies. Japanese movies are really good too, but the horror movies are the best ones. Personally, I like the Battle Royale series (Japanese) as senseless violence in a contradictory world shows what humanity is capable of.
Hm, I remember back in the early 90s when cartoons were actually decent. What happened since then? Now a days TV is replaced by trash that I can't help but watch. I wish Toonami would come back on during the weekdays with those classic Anime's that they use to show, or even Sailor Moon would come back. Those were the days ~sighs~.
I really like a good manga where I can actually sit down and not lose my attention span to. I mostly will read anything good but if the manga is trash it will sit on my shelf collecting dust for all eternity (I never had this happen, because I like all my manga I bought; but it can happen). I like to read Japanese graphic novels that have been translated into English (I'll let you know when I can read Kanji).
God, Jesus, and my family of course. Where the fuck would I be without them? I'm an average Christian though as I will never be one of those holy roly hypocrites that majority of Christians are.