marjorie profile picture


Silent Night

About Me

A Biography of your Life:
What is todays date?: 8/16/06
What is the time right now?: 9:54 p.m.
~First things first~
Full name:: Marjorie Leah Seltzer
Birth Date:: 06/12/1988
Age:: 18
Sex:: Female
Religion:: Catholic
Education Level:: Freshman in college
Race:: African American
Heritage:: African American
Where do you live?: Creola
Where are you right now?: sitting in my room
Where do you work?: my daddy's office
Are you Single?: no
For the Single Guys/Gals:
Are you happy being Single?: I'm not single
Do you have your eye on someone?: Yeah and he has his eye on me
Are you playing the field?: No
Taken Guys & Gals
How long have you been in a relationship?: 2 years and 2 months and counting
Are you happy?: Yes
Are you attached or playing the field?: IDK
The Past:
How many Girl/boy friends have you had?: 4
Which do you prefer.. Single or taken:: Taken
Do you want to get married?: Yes of course!
---when?: After college
What about kids... Do you want any??: Yes
--- How many?: at least 2
Name of Elementry School:: St. James Major
--- Mascott::: Jaguar
--- Fav. teacher::: I have had a few
--- Fav. Class::: P.E.
--- Fav Activities::: basketball
--- Who were your friends?: Amber and Courtney were my closest
Name of middle school:: St. James
--- mascott::: Jaguar
--- Fav. Teacher::: a few
--- Fav. Class::: P.E.
--- Did you play any sports?: Basketball
--- What activities did you participate in?: alot
--- Who were you close friends?: Amber and Courtney
Name of High School:: McGill-Toolen Catholic High School
--- Mascott:: Yellowjacket
--- Colors::: Orange and Black
--- Fav. teacher::: Mrs. Baer
--- Fav. Class::: none in particular
--- Sports Played::: none
--- Any activities/clubs::: alot
--- Were you a Jock/prep/outkast/loner/Goth/etc::: no
--- Fav thing about this school::: graduating
--- What did you despise about this school?: some of the ppl
-Only if you are in college-
What college/University are you attending?: University of Alabama
--- Mascott::: Big AL
--- Colors::: crimson and white
--- Major::: Nursing
--- Minors:::
--- Are you on a Sports team?: no
--- Do you live on campus:: yes
--- You like it?: I will find out soon!
Do you live in a broken family?: No
How many siblings do you have?: 3
--- Step Siblings?: none
--- Half Siblings?: none
--- Step Parents?: none
Are you guys scattered about or close?: close for the most part
Do you have daily traditions?: not really just speaking 2 each other in the morning
--- What about holiday traditions?: just get together and eat until u can't nemore
What is your mom's name?: Edna
--- Her Maiden Name?:
What is your Dad's name?: Frank
What is your earliest memory?: I can't remember
What is your favorite memory?: Falling in love
Have you gone to any concerts?: Not really
--- Where was it?:
--- Who did you see?:
Where was your first vacation?: Disney World I think
Where have you gone on vacations?: Disney World, Gatlinburg, Destin and alot others
What was your favorite vacation?: Disney World
~Your Future~
Do you want to live in a city?: Yes
How about somewhere rural?: Yes
How about somewhere inbetween?: Maybe
Do you have someplace in mind?: Not really
--- What is it?:
What occupation would you like to have?: Being a nurse
--- Do you think you will ever obtain this objective?: Yes
~Political Aspects~
Do you vote?: No
--- If not, why?: I haven't registered
Do you take an interest in your goverment?: Yes
Do you watch/read the news?: Sometimes
Are you a Republican, Democrat, or Liberal?: Democrat
~Your Views~
Abortion::: Against
War::: Against
Drugs::: I don't do them
Russia (I personally want to nuke them)::: not interested
Terorism::: Don't like it
Premarital Sex::: That's a personal decision
Religions::: That's a personal decision
Hisidic Jews::: Don't know what that is
George W. Bush::: Against
Bill Clinton::: I like him!!
Democracy::: I like
Porn::: Don't care for it
The Media::: Whatever
Todays Standards implimented among the kids of today::: I turned out ok
Immigration: Its good
~What is your Favorite...~
Tv Show::: The Hills
Tv Channel::: MTV
Band::: Danity Kane
Song::: Give it up 2 me
Cell Phone Brand::: Samsung b/c thats what I have
Soft Drink::: coke
Alcoholic Bevarage::: grey goose
Coputer Brand::: emachines
Video game::: madden
Game Console::: psp
Cereal::: don't eat cereal b/c I don't like milk
Sub::: Chicked bacon and ranch from subway
Hot Sandwich::: Double Cheeseburger
Dessert::: Triple fudge chocolate cake
City::: Mobile
State::: Alabama
Country::: United States
Animal::: puppy
Shampoo::: Motions
Conditioner::: Motions
Clothing Brand::: Polo
Subject::: English i guess
teacher::: none
Eye Color::: brown
Hair Color::: brown/black
Movie::: Remember the Titans
Condiment::: ranch dressing
~Preferences - This or That~
IPOD/Cd Player::: ipod
Staples/Tape::: staples
Walmart/Kmart::: Wal-Mart
Target/Kohls::: Target
Macy's/JcPenneys::: Macy's
Cash/ Credit::: Credit
Blue/red::: Red
Black/ white::: Black
Hooded/non hooded::: Hooded
Jeans/Sweats::: Both
Aim/Phone::: Phone
Renting/Movie Theatre::: Renting
Short/Long hair::: Long
Night/Day::: Night
Rain/Sun::: Rain
Cloudy/Bright::: Bright
Hot/Cold::: Neither
Water/Soda::: Water
To Love/To fool around::: To love
Comedy/Drama::: Both
Day and Time done?: 10:08
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