Hi students and visitors!Welcome to the Fanshawe Student Union myspace page.
The FSU is basically an organization run by students, for students. We operate two separate buildings on the Fanshawe London campus, and we are one of the best run student organizations in the country! We work hard, have a lot of fun, and make a difference in the lives of many students, both currently attending Fanshawe and in the future.
Some of the services we provide to students are:
- Academic Appeals and Counselling
- Biz Booth
- Falcon's Nest Convenience Store
- Fanshawe Student Centre Pharmacy
- Financial Advice
- Health Plan
- Meeting Rooms
- The Out Back Shack
- Publications
- Used Book Shop
- Volunteer/Job Opportunities
- Bus Pass
- Clubs
- Fringe Hair Salon
- Gamesroon
- Legal Services
- Oasis
- Peer Tutoring
- Sharing Shop
So, we do a lot of great things for students, and we only want to continue bringing the best services to our campus. We look forward to your feedback and hopefully you will let any one of us know what you think about our site or about new things we can offer to London students.BEGINMYSPACETOOLBOXBACKUP VERSION 1.0;;000000; http://www.fsu.on.ca/images/fsu_logo_top_left.jpg; Top Left; scroll; repeat-y; ffffff; ; ; ; ; ; Gill Sans, Sans-Serif; 000000; ; ; ; ; ; Gill Sans, Sans-Serif; ffffff; ; ; ; ; ; Gill Sans, Sans-Serif; ffffff; ; ; ; ; ; Gill Sans, Sans-Serif; 000000; ; Center Center; scroll; no-repeat; ffffff; Groove; 4px;;ENDMYSPACETOOLBOXBACKUP
FSU Homepage !