I play cards alot, and I don't mind some video games here and there. My favorite game would have to be anything that is involved with sports, but I'd put it on pause if there was the right female around.
Fu*! a celebrity, I have just as must style, and the same amount of cash. You'ld love to meet me, because I'm not a conceded man, and I'm not a jelous person. I do well for myself and I'm proud of that!
No one can say that there is someone bettter than Jay-Z, and that is a fact. But don't get me wrong, Neil Young and Tom Petty come pretty close. That pretty much covers all basis'.
I love "real" movies period. Hollywood puts some fake ass movies out there, so if there is a "movie" watcher out there, they know what I'm talkin about.
I don't watch T.V, but Sunday's I make time for HBO. Gotta Love Entourage, Deadwood, and the Wire. You know.
The last book I read was 1984, it's a classic. Anything by H.P Lovecraft, Neil Gaiman, and other good authors I'll read.
Larry David, he's a genius.